House to house collections statement of returns

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House to House Collections Act 1936, House to House Collections Regulations 1947
Account of Expenses, Proceeds and Application of Proceeds of Collection of Money

This statement is to be completed and sent to Licensing at the City of Doncaster Council within one month of the date of collection

Promoter details

Correspondence details

Chief Promoter details and declaration

I certify to the best of my knowledge that the information given within this application is a true account of the expenses, proceeds and application of the proceeds of the collection to which it relates. If you are not the Chief Promoter, please tick to confirm that you have the consent of the Chief Promoter to fill out their details and tick on their behalf

Auditor details and declaration

I certify that I have obtained all the information and explanations required by me as Auditor and that the above in my opinion is a true account of the expenses, proceeds and application of the proceeds of the collection to which it relates. If you are not the Auditor, please tick to confirm that you have the consent of the Auditor to fill out their details and tick on their behalf