Christmas Opening Hours, Useful Information and Key Contacts
Report an issue to the council using one of our online forms.
Start typing e.g. "bin" or "council tax" to see suggestions
...or browse for a form by selecting a service area below:
Display your introduction over featured image?: No
- Allegations against adults working with children referral form (LADO)
- Children missing education report
- Childrens complaint
- Council Tax - Tell us about someone in your property who is turning 18 or leaving education
- Notify us of your Education, Employment or Training (EET) Status
- Playground equipment
- Safeguarding concern - child at risk report form
- Benefit Fraud Allegation
- Benefits - Change in Circumstances
- Council Tax - Tell us about someone aged over 18 is moving in with you
- Council Tax - Tell us about someone in your property who is turning 18 or leaving education
- Missing Council Tax payment
- Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team
- Single Occupier Review - Tell us about anything else that has changed in your household
- Abandoned vehicles
- Alley gate - damaged
- Antisocial behaviour (already happened)
- Antisocial behaviour (in progress)
- Benefit Fraud Allegation
- Blue Badge - misuse report form
- Domestic Abuse Hub Self-Referral Form
- Dumped rubbish / fly-tipping
- Graffiti and Fly-posting
- Harassment and illegal eviction form
- Hate crime (already happened)
- Hate crime (in progress)
- Hedge cutting
- Illegal and dangerous skips, scaffolding and hoarding
- Illegal street trading report form
- Inconsiderate parking and other obstructions
- Litter from vehicle incident
- Littering
- Manhole or drain covers - damaged
- Nuisance reports (including noise)
- Abandoned vehicles
- Blocked gullies
- Dog fouling
- Dumped rubbish / fly-tipping
- Flooding
- Graffiti and Fly-posting
- Grass maintenance
- Hedge cutting
- Illegal and dangerous skips, scaffolding and hoarding
- Illegal street trading report form
- Litter bin or dog fouling bin problems
- Litter from vehicle incident
- Littering
- Manhole or drain covers - damaged
- Needles
- Nuisance reports (including noise)
- Pavement defects
- Playground equipment
- Potholes
- Report a stray horse or pony
- Right of way problem
- Spillages on the road
- Street cleaning request
- Street furniture (rails and seats)
- Tree issues
- Trip hazards
- Abandoned vehicles
- Blue Badge - misuse report form
- Bollards - faulty
- Grass maintenance
- Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's) - excessive number
- Hedge cutting
- Illegal and dangerous skips, scaffolding and hoarding
- Inconsiderate parking and other obstructions
- Manhole or drain covers - damaged
- Pavement defects
- Potholes
- Road congestion
- Spillages on the road
- Street cleaning request
- Street furniture (rails and seats)
- Street lighting fault
- Street sign issues
- Structural issues
- Traffic lights and pedestrian crossing faults