The Elected Mayor of Doncaster is Ros Jones CBE

Mayor Ros Jones

Ros Jones was first elected as Mayor in May 2013 and was re-elected in 2017 and 2021, and is now serving her third term.

The role of Elected Mayor

Doncaster Council is led by an Elected Mayor and Cabinet.

The Mayor

  • is the council's political leader and is elected by Doncaster constituents to serve a four-year term of office.
  • has executive powers and is responsible for the effective implementation of council policy and delivering services.
  • has nine cabinet members to advise, support and lead on their own specific portfolio.

Mayoral priorities

  1. My number one priority is to reopen our airport, delivering jobs, opportunities and global connectivity to Doncaster and South Yorkshire. The lease has been signed and we have identified an airport operator which will be announced shortly.


  1. Secondly, I want to regenerate our City Centre for the 21st century – Working with South Yorkshire Police to create a Safer Doncaster, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, continuing to push for more culture, leisure, education, hospitality, residential and health services within our city centre, which should increase footfall, support the retail sector and promote enterprise.


  1. Thirdly, I want to see safer and stronger Neighbourhoods, tailored public services around local communities and again working with South Yorkshire Police to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. Edlington is a good example of progress made through partnership working, with more priority areas to come.


  1. My fourth priority is Education and Skills, lifelong learning and skills for the future. The world of work continues to evolve, we must support both opportunities for our young people, but also for those adults who may need to retrain or reskill over the course of their career. Doncaster has incredible potential, with many opportunities on the way, and I want our Doncaster residents to be able to grasp those opportunities and truly thrive, such as our second University Technical College.


  1. My fifth and final priority is to see a Cleaner, Greener and Healthier Doncaster, with more trees being planted, more green space and cleaner streets, but this is not just down to us as a council, our residents, businesses and Team Doncaster partners will all have their own part to play in making this a reality.


Those are my priorities for Doncaster, but we must also ensure the basics are done well, to ensure we continue being a financially well managed council, providing good quality and value for money services.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will be working through our Long-Term Plan for Towns and Levelling Up Partnership, both of these schemes will be focused on regenerating our City Centre, improving safety and tackling Anti-Social Behaviour. We will regularly engage with residents and businesses, alongside our councillors.

This is our city centre, and we must all accept the challenges being faced in Doncaster and in all town and city centres across the country. This is our opportunity to look to the future, to build on what has already been done and is in progress, to create a safer, stronger, cleaner and greener Doncaster, a place where people are happy to live, work and visit.

The city of Doncaster has incredible potential, and we must build on the progress that we have already made, driving forward our ambition to regenerate our city centre and develop our economy for the 21st century.

Thank you.

You can find out more news and updates from Mayor Ros via her personal website at or follow her on Facebook Mayor Ros and Twitter @MayorRos.

Elected Mayor and Cabinet

For more information visit:


  • email:
  • tel: 01302 862225
  • address: City of Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU 
Last updated: 06 March 2025 14:14:35