‘You Can’ in Doncaster – the new Campaign unlocking education and skills opportunities for all.

In 2020, City of Doncaster Council set out to revolutionise the way education and skills are delivered across Doncaster.

In 2020, City of Doncaster Council set out to revolutionise the way education and skills are delivered across Doncaster. At the midway point of this 10-year strategy, the council is encouraging residents to access the multitude of education and skills opportunities now open to them via a new campaign.

‘You Can in Doncaster’ is the message, encouraging all residents, regardless of age, to know they can achieve the future they want.

The campaign has launched with a video outlining the work that has been undertaken across the education and skills offer across the city and what that now means for residents and businesses. 


Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones said: “We’re delivering on our commitment to change the way education and skills are delivered across Doncaster, our learning city. I’m delighted that since the launch of the Education and Skills Strategy so many people have stepped forward to be part of this. Our message is clear – Doncaster is a city of opportunity, a city of innovation and no matter what your own situation – whether you’re a resident or a business - You Can in Doncaster.

Nearing the midpoint of the Education and Skills strategy delivery the education and skills landscape has changed significantly with demonstrable progress. Over 92% of Doncaster schools are currently rated Good or better by Ofsted and the number of young people achieving top grades in their A-Levels has doubled since 2019. Doncaster also has the UK’s only Big Picture Learning School provision, two innovative XP schools - the first of their kind in England - as well as Bader Academy, which supports children and young people with primary needs of communication.


Councillor Sue Farmer, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, says: “We have so much to be proud about around the progress of our education and skills offer in Doncaster. For too long, Doncaster has been at the bottom of too many league tables and in 2020 with our new strategy we laid a clear marker down that this was going to stop. The offer across the city is now one we can be truly proud of and the next stage for us is making sure as many residents are accessing it as possible and, in turn, improving their own lives.”

The campaign also focuses on opportunities for businesses to provide them with the platform to upskill their workforce as well as getting the support, resources and funding to ensure their business thrives.

Read more on the dedicated You Can web pages.


  • Category: Children, young people & families
Last updated: 10 March 2025 17:29:01