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Showing 31 - 40 of 207 results
Locally Listed Heritage Assets all historic buildings and sites are covered by national designation or located within the boundaries of a conservation area and there will be many others that make a positive contribution to Doncaster’s local character and sense of place because of their heritage value. They may be offered some level of recognition by identifying them on a formally adopted list of local heritage assets. A number of these have been identified through the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List project.
Alley gates gates are large gates installed in residential and commercial areas to restrict access to alleys and the rear of properties in order to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
Developing on contaminated land on brownfield sites (previously used land) is a key priority of the government’s regeneration policy.
Registered parks and gardens and gardens are registered in order to identify those sites that are of either special or local interest.
Article 4 Direction - Local Heritage List are currently 31 sites on the Doncaster Local Heritage List, these cover a range of buildings and structures in Doncaster.
Council Tax unoccupied property exemptions are available for empty properties and those which are not occupied. An exemption means that there is no Council Tax to pay.
SAPAT - Protection of Property have a legal duty to provide protection of property under s47 of the Care Act 2014. This applies where a person is admitted to hospital, residential or nursing care or removed from their home and relocated under the Care Act and no one has been identified as being able to protect the property on behalf of the client.
Cyber-bullying bullying is any form of bullying which takes place online or through smartphones and tablets. Social networking sites, messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms such as Facebook, Xbox Live, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other chat rooms can be great fun and a positive experience. Cyber-bullying can be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the internet doesn’t have an on off button.
Planning Policy Background Documents - The Historic Environment and Design are a number of background studies and evidence base documents that have informed the Local Plan. Many of these are still relevant so are available to view and download below.
Selective licensing currently operate one selective licensing scheme in Doncaster, covering the designated area of Hexthorpe. If you are a private landlord renting out a residential property in a designated area, you are likely to require a licence. The Edlington selective licensing scheme came to an end on 6th February 2023. Please select the Edlington ribbon below for further details.
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