Content tagged with: care assessment
Service Area: Adult Social Care Social Care helps people who need some extra support to live a good life. This section explains how Adult Social Care works in Doncaster, and how you can find the right support for yourself or for someone you care about.
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Apply for it: Contact Adult Social Care Form want every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look...
Day Opportunities in Doncaster (Supportive Multi-Ability Inter-Generational Life Experiences) provides day activities and projects for older people, adults with learning disabilities, autism and individuals who require specialist support.
Specialist and Supported Housing wants to ensure its residents live in homes that support good health and wellbeing. Providing the right homes and support is vital in enabling vulnerable people to live independently in the community; ensuring they have choice and control of where and how they live.
Care Assessment care act assessment is the process of working out what your needs are.