Content tagged with: care
Council Tax discounts and exemptions Tax assumes two adults (aged 18 and over) are living in your property but in some circumstances you may be entitled to a reduction of the amount you are required to pay. Details about and how to apply for the the discounts and exemptions available from your Council Tax can be found below.
Technology, Sensors and Pendant Alarms (Home alarm) days there is loads of technology available that people are using (often with help from relatives) to stay independent, safe and well. Take a look at the examples below for some inspiration.
Contact Adult Social Care want every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them. If you need some support to do this, we can help.
E-Learning providing ‘just in time’ information, eLearning provides an efficient and effective learning experience. ELearning can be accessed as and when necessary and training can be broken up into bite sized sessions to fit in with work schedules and other priorities.
Breaks for carers a break is likely to help you cope with caring and give you time to recharge your batteries.
Apply for it: Apply for a Carer or Care Worker discount apply for a Carer or Care Worker discount on your Council Tax. A Carer is a person who lives with and cares for an elderly or disabled...
Care Assessment care act assessment is the process of working out what your needs are.
Help to live independently out ways to help you or someone you care for to stay in their own home.
Paying for Care and Support guide to accessing care and support for people who pay for their own care
Shared Lives Doncaster Lives sees trained carers allow people with various disabilities, mental health issues and/or dementia to move in to their home and become part of their family life.