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Content tagged with: health
Caldicott Guardian Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people's health and care information and making sure it is used properly.
Local Offer - Health - Everything Else other health services which may support children and young people.
Be Well Doncaster - Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the Be Well Doncaster Programme.
In-Patient Detox Provision Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for In-Patient Detox Provision.
Better Care Fund (BCF) is a joint fund between health, social care, public health and housing that aims to assist people to live independently in their communities for as long as possible and to deliver the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Local Offer - Speech, Language and Communication, language and communication needs can include difficulties making sense of language or understanding how to communicate effectively and appropriately with others.
Substance misuse - drugs and alcohol Health works with the Safer Doncaster Partnership to prevent and raise awareness of adult substance misuse throughout Doncaster.
Sports Clubs in Doncaster you to find opportunities to be active in Doncaster.
Health and Safety in hairdressing and beauty therapy and beauty therapy need to comply with Health and Safety legislation.
Health Services are links to health services working with the council to help people who may need extra support when they are suffering from ill health