Content tagged with: marriage
Booking your marriage or civil partnership ceremony your marriage or civil partnership ceremony, giving notice of your attention to marry/form civil partnership, and information on costs.
Renewal of marriage vows renewal of vows ceremony is appropriate for couples at any stage of their marriage.
Certificate requests order a copy of a birth, marriage, death or civil partnership certificates. You can order copies of birth, marriage, death or civil partnership certificates.
Marriages and Civil partnerships you wish to marry or form a civil partnership in Doncaster, you may do so either by civil or religious ceremony.
Registering a venue for worship, marriage and civil ceremonies on certifying buildings for use for worship, marriage and other civil ceremonies.
Approved premises for civil marriages and partnerships following buildings have been licensed for civil marriages and partnerships in Doncaster.
Privacy Notice - Births, Marriages, Deaths and Nationality notice explains how the information the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) collects about you is used for births, marriages, deaths and nationality and your rights in relation to that information.
Sexual Bullying and Healthy Relationships is Sexual Bullying?