Content tagged with: online
Don't wait in line...get online! Council is supporting people to get online, use the internet and learn new skills.
View planning applications can view details of applications being considered by the council on our planning website.
Superfast South Yorkshire Broadband broadband is the next generation of broadband – providing a faster and more reliable service.
Keeping Safe Online technology and the internet are becoming more and more accessible it is paramount to children’s safeguarding to be in the know of what they are accessing, the risks involved and how we can encourage them to make safe decisions when online.
We got online - how the internet is changing people's lives caught up with Doncaster residents who have benefited from attending computer and internet training sessions and found out the impact it's had on them.
Online Safety Internet can open up a whole world of possibilities but it’s important to keep yourself and your family safe online. To view resources and information for children, parents, carers and teachers, please visit the following websites.
MyDoncaster Account a MyDoncaster account to join Doncaster Council online.
Learn My Way My Way is a website with free online courses for beginners to develop digital skills to make the most of the online world.
Jane: “I've used the internet to apply for jobs online” is a volunteer with the Pioneer Social Enterprise Ltd, a local Doncaster group that provides unemployed adults with learning difficulties or life debilitating illnesses the opportunity to gain voluntary work experience to help them find paid employment.
Lewis: "I encourage residents to access council services online" a busy Digital Friend in the Customer Services team in the One Stop Shop, Lewis supports customers who may not be confident using technology to access council services online.