Content tagged with: sexual abuse
Domestic Abuse Protocol Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol has been refreshed! Please check out this latest version, published in June 2023, to see information about changes introduced through the Domestic Act 2021, details of new initiatives and referral pathways and new information and guidance about domestic abuse and how to respond to victims and perpetrators.
Domestic Abuse abuse, or domestic violence, includes a range of abusive behaviour (either physical, sexual, financial, psychological or emotional) between people 16 years or older, who are or were intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender.
Sexual abuse you have been sexually abused, harassed or assaulted, either many years ago or very recently, you are not to blame and their is help and support available. This page will provide information about sexual abuse and how to get help in Doncaster.
Information for Professionals - Female Genital Mutilation the UK there is mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation (FGM) for professionals. FGM is a form of child abuse and sexual abuse and domestic abuse. It's dangerous and a criminal offence in the UK.
Sexual abuse - Information for Professionals page is dedicated to providing professionals in Doncaster with research, resources, strategies and procedures in relation to sexual abuse. You will find links to the Doncaster Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership and safeguarding policies and procedures. The page in regularly updated so please check back for updates.
Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership Doncaster Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership consists of professionals from across a wide range of agencies that are committed to putting an end to domestic and sexual abuse.