Content tagged with: smoke free
Health apps the links below to see our health apps:
Smoke-free pregnancy smoke-free pregnancy and beyond
Smoke free enforcement policy Council has a statutory duty to enforce the smoke free provisions of the Health Act 2006.
Smoke free - key issues in relation to smoking shelters smoke free legislation does not require the creation of shelters for smokers and an owner of premises cannot be compelled to make such provision. However, it is likely that some businesses will want to build shelters to accommodate people who work on or visit the premises and who can no longer be allowed to smoke inside their buildings.
Doncaster smoke free homes smoke free homes is a resource that has been produced through partnership work involving Doncaster Council's SaFE Team, the Primary Care Trust and Doncaster Healthy Schools Programme.
Smoke free Doncaster all work places and substantially enclosed public areas in England are now smoke free by law