Content tagged with: training
Domestic Abuse - Training full training programme is available for professionals in relation to their job role. This training is multi agency and free of charge.
Recording, transporting and movement of livestock following information provides advice for farmers, hauliers and transporters of horses, farm livestock, poultry, gamebirds and farmed fish for human consumption.
City of Doncaster Council Apprenticeships may have decided that sixth form or university isn’t right for you and have opted to ‘earn while you learn’, and we think you have made an excellent choice! Apprentices are valued members of the team here at Doncaster Council’s award-winning Apprenticeship Programme. Join us and gain hands on experience while working towards a relevant and useful qualification.
Adult Social Care Training and Qualifications importance of good quality, effective learning and development cannot be underestimated by providers wanting to deliver excellent outcomes for the people they care for.
Personal Assistant (PA) Development a Personal Assistant, you play a vital role in the provision of health and social care in Doncaster. As part of this ‘wider workforce’ there is support available to help you provide excellent services and also to develop professionally in your role.
Day Opportunities in Doncaster (Supportive Multi-Ability Inter-Generational Life Experiences) provides day activities and projects for older people, adults with learning disabilities, autism and individuals who require specialist support.
Training in First Aid, Food Safety & Health & Safety topics list of all the training courses that Doncaster Corporate Health & Safety Training Team provide for members of the public. Course dates below:
Pathways to Employment available for young people with SEND to help them successfully gain employment once they leave full-time education.
Domestic abuse - Information for professionals you are a professional who needs to know more about domestic abuse, this is the page for you.
Local Offer - Further and Higher Education young people with SEND can study.