Content tagged with: violence
Domestic abuse - Information for professionals you are a professional who needs to know more about domestic abuse, this is the page for you.
Domestic Abuse - Support for people from minority groups Doncaster domestic abuse hub is here for ALL victims and survivors of domestic abuse.
Initiatives relating to Domestic Abuse page gives you details of local, regional and national initiatives relating to domestic abuse. If you have a domestic abuse service that you would like to promote on this page please contact
Male victims of domestic abuse is still a myth that domestic abuse doesn't happen to men. It does! It can happen to anyone.
MARAC Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is an initiative designed to bring agencies together to discuss the safety and well-being of people that are at high risk of further serious harm or death.
Support for women you are experiencing abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family abuse this is domestic abuse and help is available for you.
What is Honour-Based Abuse? concept of ‘honour’ is for some communities deemed to be extremely important. To compromise a family’s ‘honour’ is to bring dishonour and shame and this can have severe consequences. The punishment for bringing dishonour can be emotional abuse, physical abuse, family disownment and in some cases even murder.
Sexual abuse you have been sexually abused, harassed or assaulted, either many years ago or very recently, you are not to blame and their is help and support available. This page will provide information about sexual abuse and how to get help in Doncaster.
Domestic abuse and children see and hear a lot more than we think. If there is domestic abuse in the household the children will be affected by it.
Specialist support for LGBT+ victims of domestic abuse Doncaster domestic abuse hub is there for ALL victims of domestic abuse. You will be listened to and treated with respect at all times. However, if you would like more specialist support there is help available for you.