Content tagged with: voting
Local Government Elections - 1 May 2025 number of elections are scheduled to take place in Doncaster on 1 May 2025:
Standing as a Candidate you will find information on how to stand as a candidate and guidance on the nomination process. Information will continue to be added to this page as it becomes available in the approach to the elections
Upcoming Elections next upcoming scheduled Elections are for City of Doncaster Councils Elected Mayor, Local Government Councillors and Town/Parish Councillors all taking place on Thursday 1 May 2025.
Register to vote guide to the Electoral Registration process including online registration, postal voting, and proxy voting plus an explanation of the voting process.
Electoral Annual Canvass annual canvass takes place every year so we can make sure the electoral register is up to date. It helps us to identify any residents who are not registered to vote so that they can be encouraged to register, and we can remove the names of electors if they are no longer at an address.
Councillor Vacancies can be held at any time when a casual vacancy occurs. They usually happen following the resignation or the death of a currently serving Councillor.
A guide to Electoral and Open registers electoral register is a list of everyone in the area who is able to vote in local and national elections.
Voting and Elections the links below for election results and details of voting:
Service Area: Council & democracy out about the Council, your Councillor and elected Mayor and Cabinet. Find information on voting and elections, data protection, freedom of information and performance and spending.
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