International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Content tagged with: weather
Current roadworks, planned roadworks and road closures of current roadworks, planned roadworks, traffic restrictions and road closures in and around Doncaster.
Get Ready for Winter previous winters Doncaster, like much of the UK, suffered from severe bouts of weather which caused disruption and had a dramatic affect on everyday life. To help you better prepare for winter ahead, this page contains some important information, contacts and web links.
Summer Health the summer months, warmer weather can affect your health in many ways. This page contains information and advice for staying healthy this summer.
How extreme weather conditions affect Street Scene services Street Scene service covers work such as street cleansing, grounds maintenance, tree maintenance, fly tipping and dumped rubbish, graffiti removal, emptying of street litter bins, maintenance of parks, public sports pitches and children's play areas. This page looks at how Street Scene services may be affected during extreme weather conditions.
Apply for it: Grit bin refill complete this form to request a grit bin refill.
Local climate impact on Doncaster Council has used the Local Climate Impact Profile (LCLIP) to identify the main weather events which have affected the borough and shows the climate trends such as temperature, rainfall etc.