Content tagged with: young people
Domestic abuse and young people abuse is when a person hurts, controls, threatens or bullies another person who is or was their partner or who is a member of their family. The abuse doesn’t always end when the relationship ends. As a young person you might see or hear abuse in your household, you might be hurt either physically or emotionally as part of the abuse between adults, and you might experience abuse from your own boyfriend or girlfriend or other family member.
Public Health
Early Education and Childcare Families Information Service (FIS) is the best place to get information about registered childcare providers in the area. We hold up to date lists of Ofsted registered childminders, nurseries, out-of-school and holiday clubs. We can also provide information about unregistered childcare, such as nannies or parent-and-toddler groups.
Attendance and Pupil Welfare Service Attendance and Pupil Welfare Service work with schools, parents and carers, pupils and other agencies to help reduce unnecessary absences from school.
Young Commissioners you or someone you know like to become a Young Commissioner? A key area where young people can make a real difference is decision making and by giving young people a voice and an opportunity to shape our services following the Choose Kindness initiative. By listening to childrens and young peoples voice our offer will improve. The Young Commissioner programme will help support the City of Doncaster's vision, and ensure young people get involved.
Young people's health health and wellbeing for children and young people is the foundation of health throughout the life course. As young people navigate the transition to adulthood, the building blocks of their future health are put into place.
Doncaster Youth Council passionate and determined group of young people aged 11-18 (Up to 25 SEND) use their elected voice to bring about positive change through meaningful representation at events, meetings and campaign work. This ensures the views of young people are heard, involved and acted upon to make a positive difference as well as championing youth voice at a local, regional and national level.
Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing you a child or young person in Doncaster struggling with your thoughts and feelings and don't know where to go? You can access information and advice on this page.
Service Area: Children, young people & families out how to apply for free school meals, nursery applications, music theory classes and school transfers. Find information about adult learning, families information service and childcare, the youth service and special educational needs.
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Chaperone Requirements for Children child taking part in any performance which can include (but is not limited to) TV appearances, filming, theatre, sporting activities or modelling will require a chaperone. Chaperones act in 'loco parentis' and should exercise the care which a parent would be expected to give that child.