Content tagged with: youth council
Young Commissioners you or someone you know like to become a Young Commissioner? A key area where young people can make a real difference is decision making and by giving young people a voice and an opportunity to shape our services following the Choose Kindness initiative. By listening to childrens and young peoples voice our offer will improve. The Young Commissioner programme will help support the City of Doncaster's vision, and ensure young people get involved.
Doncaster Youth Council passionate and determined group of young people aged 11-18 (Up to 25 SEND) use their elected voice to bring about positive change through meaningful representation at events, meetings and campaign work. This ensures the views of young people are heard, involved and acted upon to make a positive difference as well as championing youth voice at a local, regional and national level.
'YourVoice' for Children and Young People in Doncaster to ‘Your Voice’ Doncaster. This is the space for all children and young people in Doncaster to have their voices heard, get involved, find opportunities, access information and advice and keep up to date with news and services.