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HMO & Selective Licence - Cancel/Revoke/Surrender Application
What is this for?
The current licence holder can apply for an existing House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) or Selective licence or a pending application for such a licence to be cancelled (legal term revoked) if, for example, the property no longer requires a licence or there has been a change of ownership.
The above licence types are not transferable, if a property is sold the existing licence holder must apply for the licence to be revoked. Failure to do so could result in the licence holder (former owner) continuing to be responsible for compliance with the licence until such time as the licence is revoked.
What is it going to cost?
There is no cost and you may be entitled to a refund.
Depending on the stage of a pending application or the term remaining on a current licence, the licence holder may be eligible for a pro-rata refund.
If a refund is due, we will write to you confirming the amount to be refunded. We will usually refund this amount directly to the credit/debit card which was used to pay the fee when the licence application was originally made. We will endeavour to confirm these details during the revocation process.
What we need from you
Applications to revoke a licence will only be accepted if they are submitted by the existing licence holder or someone who is able to act on their behalf.
You will be required to give a reason(s) for the revocation and, in the case of a house where there has been a change of ownership, documentary evidence of the date the sale/transfer was completed e.g. the completion letter from your solicitor.
To submit a revocation application please select 'Do it now' button below'
What you should expect from us
The Council can decide to revoke or refuse to revoke the licence.
Where the Council decide to revoke a licence, we will write to the licence holder and any relevant person informing them of the decision and the date it was made.
A revocation made at the request (with the agreement) of the licence holder usually takes effect at the time when the revocation is made and there is no ability to appeal the decision.
Where the Council decide to refuse to revoke a licence, we will write to the licence holder and any relevant parties to inform them of the decision and advise them of their right of appeal.
More information
Please Note: Applications to revoke where the property no longer requires a licence. (e.g. An HMO where the use changes to be occupied by a single household)
Please be aware that if, in the future, the property becomes licensable again, the person in control will be required to submit a new application and the associated fees will apply. Please also note, if the property was most recently occupied by a single household, planning permission may need to be obtained to operate the property as an HMO in the future.
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