Children missing education report
What is this for?
To notify Doncaster Council if you are aware of any child or young person living in Doncaster and not on a school roll, and who is not receiving a suitable education elsewhere, for example, at home, privately, or in alternative provision.
What is it going to cost?
There is no charge for this service.
What we need from you
As much information as you are able to provide on the details of the child or young person which can include the child or young person’s name, date of birth, address, parent/carer details.
What you should expect from us
When you have completed the referral form we will check the information supplied. You may be contacted for further information. Doncaster Council’s Children Missing Education Procedures will be implemented.
More information
Do it NowLast updated: 03 February 2022 15:26:38