Early Years Inclusion Team Support Request Form

What is this for?

Where it has been identified a child is not meeting their milestones, or may have an SEN, they can request support from EYIT by submitting the following request form.

What is it going to cost?

The service is free.

What we need from you

An Early Years Inclusion Team Request e-form. Email additional support documents, e.g.SEN Support Plan, via  to: Earlyyearsrequest@doncaster.gov.uk , quoting the electronic form reference number in the subject heading.

What you should expect from us

We will automatically acknowledge receipt of your electronic form. After consideration of the request, in line with timescales, we will advise you of an agreed outcome, and of any further actions required.

Do it Now
Last updated: 11 October 2024 17:18:02