Elected Mayor and Cabinet
Cabinet members and their portfolios

Ros Jones CBE
Mayor of Doncaster
Tel: 01302 862225
The Mayor will lead and oversee the delivery of all the City of Doncaster Council priorities, working with colleagues across Team Doncaster and councillors from across the borough.
Mayor Ros will lead on Budget and Policy Framework, alongside leading on inward investment.
We will be going local and going deep. Doncaster has been granted city status, which is an incredible achievement. Doncaster is made up of both rural and urban communities, each with differing issues and individual communities. As we recover from this cost-of-living crisis, I want to see a recovery that leaves no-one behind.

Councillor Glyn Jones
Cabinet Member for Housing and Business
Tel: 01302 734781
Email: glyn.jones@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Glyn Jones is our Deputy Mayor, assisting the Mayor on regional and national issues. As Cabinet Member for Housing he will oversee the development of new council housing, modernisation and improvements to existing council housing, support for tenants, and the council's work to tackle homelessness.
Councillor Jones leads on Business, overseeing our priority of generating more high-skilled and well paid jobs across the borough, as well as supporting existing businesses and attracting new businesses to the Doncaster borough.

Councillor Lani-Mae Ball
Cabinet Member for Early Help, Young People and Children's Social Care
Tel: 01302 736135
Email: lani-mae.ball@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Lani-Mae Ball leads on Early Help and the Your Family services to support families and communities across Doncaster, as well as on engagement with our young people and youth services.
Councillor Lani-Mae Ball's portfolio covers Children's Social Care, to ensure children in Doncaster are kept as safe as possible.

Councillor Nigel Ball
Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Culture
Tel: 01302 734789
Email: nigel.ball@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Nigel Ball's portfolio covers Public Health and Wellbeing, promoting healthy and active lifestyles and tackling issues such as substance misuse, smoking and mental health in our communities. He also leads on leisure and culture, including libraries, museums, archives, leisure centres and the arts, and how we work in our areas to tackle social isolation and promote strong, resilient and vibrant communities.

Councillor Joe Blackham
Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Enforcement
Tel: 01302 734788
Email: joe.blackham@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Joe Blackham's portfolio covers the maintenance and improvement of our local highways and infrastructure network, street cleansing and grass cutting services. In addition, this portfolio leads on the council's fly-tipping response and enforcement services.

Councillor Phil Cole
Cabinet Member for Finance, Traded Services and Planning
Tel: 01302 736280
Email: phil.cole@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Phil Cole will lead on Council Spending, Financial Management, Procurement, Internal Audit and Traded Services. Traded Services includes responsibility for Doncaster's school cleaning and catering services, markets and bereavement services. With responsibility for planning, Councillor Cole leads on reforms to planning policy, including the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans.

Councillor Sue Farmer
Cabinet Member for Equalities, Education and Skills
Tel: 01302 734784
Email: sue.farmer@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Sue Farmer is our equalities lead, covering our role as an employer, community leader and in the delivery of services.
This portfolio covers the education and opportunities of our young people, and also includes the devolved Adult Education Services which enable residents to acquire the skills they need to move into or progress in a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship, or further learning.

Councillor Mark Houlbrook
Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Waste
Tel: 01302 736055
Email: mark.houlbrook@doncaster.gov.uk
As Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Waste, Councillor Mark Houlbrook leads on the Climate Change and Biodiversity Agenda, as we strive for an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. This portfolio also includes Flood Preparation and Alleviation, Household Waste Recycling, Environment and Sustainability Strategy.
Councillor Mark Houlbrook has also been appointed by the Mayor as Armed Forces Champion for Doncaster.

Councillor Jane Nightingale
Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources
Tel: 01302 734783
Email: jane.nightingale@doncaster.gov.uk
Councillor Jane Nightingale has responsibility for Corporate Resources and Customer Services, overseeing the council's programme to improve the experience of local residents and businesses who engage with the council. This portfolio also includes services such as Revenues and Benefits, Legal and Democratic Services, and Registrars.

Councillor Sarah Smith
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care
Tel: 01302 737331
Email: sarah.smith3@doncaster.gov.uk
As Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Councillor Smith leads our programme to transform the way Adult Social Care is provided across Doncaster. Her work will include overseeing services and activities to help people live independently in their own home and community, ensuring that quality residential care is available across the borough.
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