Help shape the future of care and support in Doncaster

This is your opportunity to help shape adult social care and support across Doncaster.

A group of people

We want to increase opportunities for local people with lived experience of care and support to influence Adult Social Care in Doncaster, from improving our services to recruiting the right people.

We call this way of working together co-production

There is lots of information on this page about different ways to work with us.

A social worker talking to a person

Whatever you get involved in, we will make sure you have the support you need before, during and after the time you spend with us.

We will also pay you for your time and expertise.

A person on the telephone

If you would like to get or find out more, please contact Bryony Shannon, Strategic Lead for Practice Development in Adult Social Care, by email or telephone 01302 736896.

Working together

We will ask you to complete a 'Working with me' profile about yourself, so we can work well together. We will keep this profile safe and secure.

The people you are working closely with in the Council will share 'Working with me' profiles too.

Working with me profile

You can find out more about how we will work together in this guide: Co-production basics

Paying you for your time and expertise

We have a Co-production payments policy to recognise and reward people with lived experience who get involved in working alongside us, for example through participation in Making it Real Board meetings, working groups, project teams, recruitment and selection, and learning and development.

If you share your time and expertise with us, and you are contributing either in a personal capacity or as the representative of an organisation that does not already pay you or cover your expenses, we will pay you for your time and expertise, as well as travel and any other expenses.

Adult Social Care Co-production Recognition and Reward Policy version 1

Co-production guide: Getting paid for your time

Co-production payment claim form

Join our Making it Real Board

Our Making it Real Board gives strategic oversight to Adult Social Care, influencing and challenging decisions and agreeing priorities for improvements and developments.

The Board has an equal mix of adults with experience of seeking or drawing on care and support (people with lived experience) and senior leaders from Adult Social Care.

It is co-chaired by a Board member with lived experience and the Director of Adults, Wellbeing and Culture, and meets once a month.

"I really enjoy attending the meetings and having my own voice so thank you for that." Wendy, Making it Real Board member.

Listen to Glyn Butcher, co-chair of the Making it Real Board, talk about his experience of being involved in the Board.

Glyn Butcher shares his experience video

Join our Partnership Boards

There are several Partnership Boards and other networks representing groups of people who draw on care and support in Doncaster. These forums give members the opportunity to get involved in shaping care and support for particular groups of people.   

    • Learning Disability Partnership Board  
    • Autism Partnership Board  
    • Carers Action Group  
    • Mentally Well Alliance

Join working groups to help us develop particular areas of Adult Social Care

Our Your Care and Support Doncaster 2024 Adult Social Care report sets out 9 key actions to make things better for people in Doncaster who are supported by Adult Social Care.

  1. We want to work with even more people with lived experience of care and support to make good changes happen in Adult Social Care.
  2. We want to make sure that information about rights, advocacy and care and support is easy for people to find and understand.
  3. We want to continue to improve what happens when people first ask for some support from Adult Social Care. We want to make sure we listen to people and understand what matters most to them.
  4. We want to make sure more disabled people can get the right job for them.
  5. We want people to have more choice and control about care and support at home.
  6. We want to help more people to leave hospital and have more freedom.
  7. We want to improve the way we support young people who need care and support, to make sure they get the right support when they become adults.
  8. We want to develop and support the wellbeing of people working in Adult Social Care so they can support people in Doncaster to live their best lives.
  9. We want to make things fairer and more equal for people in Doncaster.

We have groups working on each of these actions. Each group is made up of a mix of people who work in Adult Social Care and people who draw on care and support.

Please let us know if you'd like to join any of the groups - we'd love to welcome some new members.

Help us to recruit the right people

We want to make sure we recruit the right people to work in Adult Social Care in Doncaster.

We know the best way to do this is to involve people with experience of support from Adult Social Care, because you know exactly who the right people are.

Please get in touch if you'd like to help us with recruitment.

Co-production guide: recruitment

Co-production guides for people working in Adult Social Care


Images provided by Photosymbols

Last updated: 05 September 2024 11:53:21

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