Careers in Care - Care Ambassadors

What is a Care Ambassador?

Care Ambassadors are qualified and experienced social care workers who promote the image of social care and act as role models to inspire and encourage people of all ages to consider careers in the sector.

The initiative aims to address the poor image of care work which has in the past lead to difficulties in recruiting staff.  Care staff are now required to be trained to a higher level and carry greater responsibility than ever before, and this can only escalate as care needs increase and diversify.  To sustain this vital workforce, it is essential that more people are encouraged into the profession.  This can only be achieved by raising the status and image of care work, and by demonstrating that there are a variety of career routes and opportunities available.

The Care Ambassador initiative is not only aimed at schools, students, teachers and parents, but also women returning to work, men, lone parents, migrant workers, retired people, carers, and those looking for a change in career.

The transformation of social care delivery models means that it is now appropriate to recruit Care Ambassadors of all ages and levels of experience, including people who use services so they can promote the impact of care staff and services on their lives.

Aims of the Care Ambassador Scheme

  • To create an identifiable image for social care

  • To change and enhance perceptions about careers in social care

  • To raise the image and status of the social care workforce

  • To increase recruitment into the social care sector

  • To inspire personal and professional development in the existing workforce

  • To help achieve a highly trained workforce to meet future demands

Becoming a Care Ambassador

Care Ambassadors are either nominated by their employers or volunteer with the support of their employers – this is important as you may need to attend events during works’ time.

Care Ambassadors need to demonstrate commitment, alongside a desire to portray a positive image of the care sector, enthusiasm and confidence to convey their passion to others in an informed way.

Click here to see a Job Description

Becoming a Care Ambassador also provides personal development opportunities working alongside other people who share your passion for working in care.

The range of events for Care Ambassadors to engage with potential future employees means that there are opportunities for people with a variety of skills.  The scheme aims to utilise your strengths, whilst providing you with a chance to learn from other people with different skills and experience.  If required formal training will also be provided.

If you do not like the thought of standing up a speaking to a large audience, there are other events where you could for example, man a stand and speak to people on a one to one basis, or in small groups in a school.  However as your skills develop you will have the opportunity to increase your participation in the full range of events, and transfer this development into your workplace for the benefit of your employer.

Benefits for your Employer

• Company profile will be raised
• Recruitment strategies will benefit from the improved image and perception of careers in social care
• Continuing professional development of the Care Ambassador, whose enhanced skills and knowledge can be utilised in the workplace.

Further information on the scheme is available from Skills for Care by clicking on the link below:

Further Information

Last updated: 22 February 2022 20:55:19

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