Short Breaks for Adults with a Learning Disability

We provide short-term respite care referred to as a short break for up to a maximum of 8 adults at Wickett Hern Road and 9 adults at Eden Lodge who have a learning disability and or associated disabilities.

The civic office

Short Breaks

Enabling a person with a learning disability or complex health need to access services and activities that will enhance their daily living while offering breaks to families and carers. 

Short Breaks Information

What is a Short Break?

A short break is a break away from every day life, it can be a great way for a person and carers alike to rest, relax and feel refreshed. A short break is assessed individually to what the person/family/carer requires, depending on need and want. A short break could be a few hours, A day, A couple of days, A week or two, all dependant on requirements

Who is a Short Break for?

A person with a learning disability and/or Autism to have a break from their everyday carers, daily routine, environment. Adults and children alike allowing both the carer and recipient to take a necessary pause from every day life Short breaks can be a valuable break for carers/family who support someone with a learning disability/Autism.

What does a Short Break look like?

A short break may take place in an persons home (PA) out within the community under the local offer Shared Lives (a home within the community) Avalon in a residential setting (Oaklands - children's up to 18 years) Eden Lodge/Wickett Hern Road (Adults 18 years +) SMILE day services - hubs across the city or other private commissioned/non-commissioned services across the city. A person can also choose to have respite/short stay within private care providers using the voucher scheme

What can a Short Break offer?

Support, encourage and build confidence to participate in new activities, local park visits, theatre/cinema trips Can support to build new friendships with other people on a short break at the same time. Can widen life experiences, Food preparation, Arts, Crafts, Gardening, local community engagement events. A break away from everyday routine, structure, environment. Build independence for the person encouraging growth and confidence by enabling them to make their own choices

How to access Short Breaks?

Childrens – Contacting the early help hub 01302 743110 will start with an assessment of need. If criteria is met, then a short breaks assessment will be carried out. Adults – Contacting the Community Adult Learning Disability Team (CALDT) 01302 737391 will open discussions surrounding assessments for a person. To arrange a visit to look at the adult services contact Eden Lodge 01302 734071, Wickett Hern Road 01302 831969 or email, or


Doncaster Council in-house services Adults Short Breaks (Wickett Hern Road & Eden Lodge)


  Wickett Hern Road Short Breaks building

Wickett Hern Road

  • Wickett Hern Road supports people to achieve and live their best lives. This is made possible by working together using a person centered approach ensuring the person receives the best suited care route, to support with longer-term moving on plans. This then supports personalised packages of care in times of need to develop skills and complete assessments through a planned pathway
  • The property is located within a village setting close to local amenities and transport links to the city centre.
  • This property has capacity for up to 8 individuals and a private garden.


  Eden Lodge building

Eden Lodge

  • Eden Lodge is our main short breaks service, we recognise that a short break is important for our individuals as it enables the chance to take a short holiday catch up with friends, build new relationships and participate in both building based activities and activities within the community.
  • pre-bookings are accepted to support individuals, families and carers to arrange their well earned break.
  • The property is located within a village setting offering a hub of activity such as the SMILE day centre, community action groups, close to local amenities and transport links to the city centre
  • This property has capacity for up to 9 individuals with large gardens which are private and relaxing.


How do I make a referral to Short Breaks?

To make a referral, you need to contact us on: 01302 737391 We will offer information and advice to ensure you are aware of the full assessment of care and support needs which would include accessing Short Breaks services. City of Doncaster Council offer this following the Care Act 2014.

Can I visit before I make a referral?

To give you an insight of what we have to offer, you can also come for a visit. To arrange a visit, please contact us on: Eden Lodge Respite - 01302 734071 or Wickett Hern Road - 01302 831969 or by email on: or

Will I be expected to pay for my Short Break?

Each individual who has an assessment of need will be offered a financial assessment, to see if they are able to contribute towards their short break. For more information about Financial Assessments and Care charges please see the Financial Assessments page.

How many short breaks can I have?

The number of nights is dependant on the assessment of need (individual requirements from both carer and person accessing the service)

After the referral

Once you start using the service, we have a telephone and email booking system - Respite booking email:- Respite booking telephone number:- 01302 736660

Further Information

For more information about services available within Doncaster click on the links below. 

Community Autism and Learning Disability Team (CALDT)

Local Offer -Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Children, Young People and Families - Short Breaks 

SMILE Day Opportunities

Home | Shared Lives | The Avalon Group | England

Carers Strategy - City of Doncaster Council

Financial Assessment for Care and Support - City of Doncaster Council

Our Latest CQC Inspection Reports

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Last updated: 10 March 2025 14:42:35

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