Safeguarding Adults
We aim to support Adults at risk to retain independence and be able to live a life free from abuse and neglect. Everyone has the right to be safe, to be respected, to be heard. Everyone has a role to play to make this happen.
Keeping Safe Leaflet
- Keeping Safe Leaflet 2021-1-1
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Who is an adult at risk?
Our safeguarding duties apply to a person aged 18 or over who:
- has needs for care and support
- is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect
- is unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect
What is abuse?
Adults at risk can be abused in a number of different ways.
Examples of abuse:
- Discriminatory abuse- David has learning and physical disabilities. He is often called names and shouted at because he looks and walks differently to other people
- Financial abuse- Joy’s son takes her pension to do her shopping. Joy is not allowed to choose what is bought and is not given any money for herself
- Organisational abuse- Ahmed lives in a residential home. Sometimes care workers lose patience and shout at him. He is often left on his own for long periods of time without a drink and rushed through his evening meal if he takes too long. He is put to bed at 7pm because the home is short staffed
- Neglect- James lives at home and is looked after by his son. Sometimes there is no food in the house and James is not allowed to have the heating on
- Physical abuse- Mollie cares for her partner, who has a long term illness. Mollie sometimes gets angry and hits him
- Psychological abuse- Margaret is disabled and needs help to live at home. Her carers have threatened her by saying she will have to live in a residential home if she doesn’t make their job easier
- Sexual abuse- Alan has learning disabilities and attends a day centre. Another adult touches him in an intimate way that Alan doesn’t like
The Care Act has introduced 3 new categories of abuse which cover; Modern Slavery, Domestic Abuse, and Self Neglect.
Other types of abuse include:
Sexual Exploitation, Hate Crime, Mate Crime, Radicalisation, Female Genital Mutilation, Cyber Abuse, Honour Based Violence, and Forced Marriage.
How can you help?
Everyone has the right to be safe, to be respected, to be heard.
Everyone has a role to play to make this happen.
View the film below which promotes the recognition and reporting of adult abuse and has been supplied by Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board:
How to contact us
If you see, hear or suspect that an adult at risk is being abused or is at risk of being abused, or if you yourself are being abused you can contact us through a number of different methods:
Do it online
You can complete our online form, providing all the relevant information required.
- Emergency out of hours number: 01302 796000
- For general information, advice and guidance about safeguarding adults call the safeguarding adults unit on: 01302 737063
To report a crime to the police use the following numbers:
- In an emergency: 999
- Non-emergency: 101
- If you don't want to report a safeguarding issue over the phone, you can email us details here:
- SMS/Text Number (for people from the deaf community): 0797 903 1116
NB. Information can be given in confidence. You could also share your concerns with a nurse, health worker, social care worker, doctor, housing officer, advocacy service or advice centre, and ask them to make an alert for you.
Follow us on Twitter @DoncasterSAB
Become a member of the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board
The Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board are recruiting for lay members to bring a unique perspective to the work of the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB). As a member of the public, the lay person plays a valuable role for the Board, providing oversight and scrutiny of decisions and policies made by DSAB. For more details as well as the Job Description and application form, please see the downloads and resources section of this page.
- Leaflet
- Download (51KB - PDF)
Other pages you may be interested in:
- How to Raise a Concern
- Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures
- Safeguarding Adults Training
- Safeguarding Adults Reviews
- Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board
- Preventing people being drawn into extremism
- Safeguarding Adults Events