Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures

An overview of the new South Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Procedures.

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Launch of the Joint Safeguarding Strategy 2020-23

The Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) and Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership (DSCP) understands that the responsibility under the Care Act 2014 and Working Together 2018 to ensure that the workforce in Doncaster has the required skills and knowledge to protect children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect

The  DSAB and DSCP are launching the Joint Safeguarding Workforce Strategy, a multi-agency strategy that sets out the requirements of the Board (as part of the work under the Joint Workforce Development Subgroup) and the assurance that organisations can provide. The strategy helps to pull together the competency standards required for organisations working with adults, children, health and domestic violence. Each has its own competency framework to help staff know the skill standards required for their role. The strategy also recognises that all staff working with children vulnerable adults will have basic requirements; these are set out in the Core Principles of Working with Children and Adults in Need of Care and Support (appendix 1). This will aid organisations to provide to the right training for its staff and volunteers of which the strategy outlines how the multi-agency courses can be accessed.

You can find the strategy on the right under Downloads and Resources.


Guidance on Supporting Adults who disclose non-recent (historical) abuse as a child or young person

The DSAB received and endorsed guidance on supporting adults who disclose non-recent (historical) abuse on 23rd October and requested that Board partners considered for adoption.  This guidance has been developed as a result of a brave individual who shared her experience of sexual abuse as a young adult. Nationally there is a growing recognition of child sexual abuse and that it is not uncommon for individuals not to disclose until their adult years. The National Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is underway and a number of high profile cases have reinforced the extent and long term impact of abuse in childhood/ adulthood.

It is very difficult for individuals to speak out about the abuse they have suffered and it takes courage to come forward and share their experiences. The response and support individuals receive is crucial and it is incumbent on agencies to ensure that staff are trained and demonstrate compassion and competence in knowing where to report and how to support an individual who makes a disclosure.

There is a large amount of literature on the negative consequences of untreated trauma of abuse. The impact of sexual abuse on mental health can be long term and profound

The guidance offers practical considerations when supporting adults with disclosures (refer right hand column) .


Launch of the Doncaster Multi-agency Self-Neglect and/or Hoarding Policy and Procedure

Please find in the Downloads and Resources section, the new Doncaster Multi-agency Policy and Procedure for Self Neglect and/ or Hoarding  which was approved by the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board on 27th November 2017.  This policy and procedure has been developed alongside the Safeguarding Children’s Board and Safer Stronger Doncaster Partnership and has been informed by a vast range of agencies who come into contact with adults at risk on a daily basis.

Partnership approach

The following agencies have contributed to the development of this multi-agency approach;

  • Adult Social Care
  • Doncaster Children’s Services Trust
  • Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service
  • Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital Foundation Trust
  • SY Fire and Rescue
  • South Yorkshire Police
  • Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group
  • St Leger Homes
  • Environmental Health
  • Housing Options
  • Riverside Care and Support
  • Complex Lives
  • Aspire Drugs and Alcohol Service


The Procedure includes practical assessment tools developed and used by Fire Services, in addition the SNARM tool provides a template for the multi-agency response to be recorded across all agencies.

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Last updated: 07 February 2025 12:05:22

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