Support for our Armed Forces Community
In Doncaster, we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve or have served with their lives. This page provides Information about the support and services available for the Doncaster Armed Forces Community.

Doncaster's commitment to the Armed Forces Community
We are committed to supporting Doncaster's serving military personnel, veterans and their families and it is our aim for Doncaster to be the very best place it can be for people to live, work and do business in.
Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones CBE has a pledge that no-one will be left behind and this includes backing our Veterans.
In 2021 the Mayor appointed Councillor Mark Houlbrook as the Armed Forces Champion for Doncaster. Mark, a veteran himself, works together with our Armed Forces Covenant Board to improve the support for the Armed Forces Community in Doncaster.
City of Doncaster Council is the only Council in the South Yorkshire region to have a post dedicated to drive forward the Armed Forces work, with a Veteran Co-ordinator being in post since March 2023. The Veteran Co-ordinator can be contacted using the details at the bottom of the page.
City of Doncaster Council has been an Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Award Holder since 2016. The ERS encourages employers to support defence and inspire others to do the same. The scheme encompasses bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support to defence and the armed forces community, and align their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.
Who makes up the Armed Forces Community?
The Armed Forces Community includes:
- Regular and Reserves that are serving British Armed Forces (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, British Army, Royal Air Force)
- Veterans of the Armed Forces who have served at least one day in His Majesty’s Armed Forces
- Polish free forces who served in World War 2
- Merchant Navy who have served in support of British military operations (Suez, Falklands)
- Afghan Interpreters who have supported the work of the British Armed Forces
- Immediate Family (partners, children) of those who are or have served in the British Armed Forces
What is the Armed Forces Covenant?
The Armed Forces Covenant is a pledge that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve/d with their lives.
This support is provided in a number of areas including:
- Education and Family Wellbeing
- Having a Home
- Starting a New Career
- Access to Healthcare
- Financial Assistance
- Discounted Services
Doncaster also considers the following cross-cutting factors:
- Collaboration between Organisations
- Data on the Armed Forces Community
- Veterans and the Law
- Perception and Understanding of the Armed Forces Community
- Communication
Doncaster's Armed Forces Covenant Board
The Doncaster Armed Forces Covenant Board (DAFCB) supports serving personnel, service leavers, veterans and their families and comprises of different groups and organisations that have committed to make a difference. These include, but are not limited to:
- The City of Doncaster Council
- Single Services (inc. the Royal Navy, British Army and the Royal Air Force)
- Cadet Forces
- Reservists
- St Leger Homes
- Health
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Businesses
- Charities (inc. the Royal British Legion, SSAFA, Forces Employment Charity)
- Community Groups & Volunteers
DAFCB Action Plan 2023 - 2025
The DAFCB hold bi-monthly meetings to work towards Doncaster’s 2 year Action Plan. To find out more about the 2023 - 2025 DAFCB Action Plan, please click on the priority theme sections below:
Education and Family Wellbeing
- Education Representative/s to be invited and to regularly attend the DAFCB
- Gain understanding of how Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is used in Doncaster and work to ensure that it is utilised to its full potential going forward
- Design, offer and deliver AF&V Training package to educational & family establishments
- Ensure that educational & family establishments ‘ask the question’ around AF&V
- Ensure that all first conversations, in both Adults’ and Children’s Service ‘ask the question’ around AF&V
- Explore the current position for priority educational places for children from the Armed Forces Community
- Establish what, if any, support is available for young people from the Armed Forces Community
- Promote Cadet & Adult Volunteer Leader opportunities throughout Doncaster
- Update and distribute Armed Forces Resource pack and share with Educational Establishments through DAFCB
- Promote e-learning and Face 2 Face training packages to all educational, children’s and adult’s services establishments to increase understanding and awareness
- Request Education, Children & Adult Services to nominate Veteran Link Officers (champions) throughout their teams
Having a Home
- Amendment of St Leger Allocations Policy to include priority for separated and divorced partners of service personnel
- Design, offer and deliver AF&V Training package to Housing & Customer Service staff
- Ensure that Housing & Customer Service staff ‘ask the question’ around AF&V
- Understand how many people on the Housing Waiting List have left the Armed Forces within the last 5yrs and explore engagement options with those people
- Understand the offer from other social housing providers
- Understand the offer from community, voluntary and charitable organisations to support with accommodation and housing issues
- St Leger Homes Website to be updated to include information for Armed Forces & Veterans
- Request St Leger to nominate a number of Veteran Link Officers (champions) throughout their organisation
- Explore options for having bespoke support sessions for Veterans and those leaving the Armed Forces to receive support for completing housing registration forms
- Make links with local Prisons to ascertain what support is offered to Veterans leaving prison and requiring accommodation and if this requires improvement
Starting a New Career
- City of Doncaster Council to work with partners to host an annual employment and further education fair to be targeted towards the Armed Forces Community
- Work in partnership with Business Doncaster and other providers to ensure further education and employment opportunities for Armed Forces Cadets
- Work with those preparing to leave school and further education and ensure that Armed Forces Career opportunities are promoted and explored
- Promote opportunities for joining the Reservists
- Review and promote Council Policy for Reservists and Adult Cadet Volunteer Leaders
- Update internal Council intranet page to ensure all staff are aware of information and support to the Armed Forces Community and support provisions for Reservists and Adult Cadet Volunteer Leaders
- Actively encourage Doncaster employers to sign up to Employer Recognition Scheme Awards
- Explore links and opportunities between City of Doncaster Council and the Forces Employment Charity (inc. Career Transition Partnership) to highlight Council Employment opportunities to those leaving the Armed Forces and their families
- Explore opportunities for an Apprenticeship Open day specifically for Cadets
Access to Healthcare
- Establish a specific Healthcare Sub-Group to bring together all interested parties to drive this priority forward
- Ensure that Health (inc. GPs, Mental Health and Hospitals) are represented at the DAFCB
- Establish how many GP Practices in Doncaster are already Veteran Friendly
- Encourage GPs to become Veteran Friendly through GP Target Training
- Offer the opportunity for face to face training for those healthcare professionals not able to commit to Veteran Friendly status but still wanting to raise awareness and upskill
- Establish what, if any, information is recorded in other healthcare settings (other than GPs) about veterans
- Update and distribute Armed Forces Resource pack and share with Health Colleagues through DAFCB
- Make links with Health lead for ‘Op Courage’ and ask that they are represented at either the DAFCB or the Healthcare Subgroup. Also ensure that information on Op Courage is disseminated to the DAFCB and the Armed Forces Community
- Update Armed Forces Resource Pack to ensure that all Veteran Friendly or specific information is included
- Promote the Veteran Friendly Suicide Prevention Training at every opportunity to help to reduce the risk of Veteran suicide
- Explore how the voluntary and community sector can support the AFV Community with access to healthcare
Financial Assistance
- Update Council and/or YLD Website with what financial assistance is available for the AF Community
- Promote all available new funding opportunities for individuals and families through all networks, inc. the AF Distribution Lists (DAFCB & General mailing list) and through the Facebook page
- All information on Grants and Funding for organisations to be shared through all networks, inc. via email and at the DAFCB meeting
- All DAFCB Members to support one another in applications for funding and grant opportunities
- Update Resource Pack and share via distribution lists, on websites and on social media
- Build links with Citizen’s Advice Bureau to ensure better support for the Doncaster AF Community
- Specific article in the newsletter to promote what funding is available to the AF community
- E-Learning and Face 2 Face Training to include what financial assistance is available for the AF community to ensure that staff and volunteers are able to share this information
- Utilise all available funding opportunities to support the Armed Forces Community
- Build relationships with all community and voluntary financial advice services to ensure that this information can be shared with the AF Community
- Build relationships with Vets UK to enable the DAFCB to have a greater understanding and to use this understanding to support the AF community
Discounted Services
- Work with partners, including DCLT and Club Doncaster Foundation for discounts for the AF Community specifically around Armed Forces Day
- Establish all national and local military discount schemes and promote via Council Website – ‘Heroes Welcome’ and via distribution lists, Newsletter and Facebook page
- Explore the advantages of the ‘Military Discount Card’, encourage more organisations to recognise this and promote to the AF community
- Promote the advantages and use of the ‘Blue Light Card’
- Work with local businesses and Doncaster Chamber to encourage more businesses to offer discounts and incentives to the AF community
- Explore and promote the use of Fit Forces and the related Gym Discount Scheme associated with this
- Work with DCLT to ensure that ‘Veteran’s Discount’ is promoted more clearly and separated from that of the ‘Corporate Discount Scheme’
Cross-Cutting Factors
The cross-cutting factors include: Collaboration between Organisations / Data on the Armed Forces Community / Veterans and the Law / Perception and Understanding of the Armed Forces Community /Communication / Preparation for Local & Nation Events.
- Establish Terms of Reference and Information Sharing Agreement for the DAFCB
- Update Resource Pack and share link on Website with DAFCB and wider distribution list. Also ensure printed copies are available to teams if required
- Production and distribution of a Qtrly Newsletter to ensure that the Armed Forces Community, all partners and the wider community are aware of what is happening and what is available for Veterans, serving Personnel and their families
- Formation of a Veteran’s Forum to ensure the voice of the individual is captured through all of our work
- Creation of an email distribution list for Veterans and anybody interested in the Armed Forces to keep up to date with communications
- Update and improve information that is held on the Intranet / Council Internet / Your Life Doncaster
- Make links with all local Prisons to ascertain what support is offered to Veterans on release or preparation for release
- Update the City of Doncaster Council E-Learning Package and share access with DAFCB Members
- Offer regular face 2 face training that can be accessed by all partners, including voluntary, community and faith sector
- Explore options for adding ‘Military Connection’ either serving, served or a family as an identified group on Mosaic
- Stronger Communities Wellbeing, Veteran Link Officers to host Qtrly Armed Forces Specific CLS sessions, linking in with other services as required
- Explore the options for a ‘Military Games’ event, bringing together organisations and the AF Community to celebrate the AF in Doncaster
- Utilise the SYP Armed Forces Rep to link in with Veterans and ensure early identification of issues within the community and reduce escalation
- Work together with all partners involved in the Criminal Justice System (inc. Prisons, SYP, Probation, Courts, Op Nova) to ensure that nobody is missed and that re-offending is reduced at every opportunity
What support am I entitled to?
As a member of Doncaster's Armed Forces Community, you and your immediate family are entitled to the following through the Armed Forces Covenant:
- Not being at a disadvantage when trying to access public services such as health care, housing, employment, education and welfare
- Special consideration where appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given the most such as the injured and the bereaved
For information on what support is available locally, please visit our Your Life Doncaster Website.
For information on what support is available nationally, please use the Veteran's Gateway Website.
If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page, or complete our online Enquiry Form.
Veteran's Innovation Fund
For the financial year 2024 - 2025, the City of Doncaster Council are are delighted to be able to offer a Veteran's Innovation Fund. The fund is up to a maximum of £300 and can be accessed to remove barriers to improving a person's wellbeing. For example, this may be support in accessing training or employment, or support with cost of living pressures. The fund can be accessed by members of the Doncaster Armed Forces Covenant Board for the people they are working to support.
How can you get involved?
Newsletter: Every quarter, the DAFCB produce a Newsletter with information about what has been happening, upcoming events and important information for the Doncaster Armed Forces Community. Our most recent Newsletters can be found in the Resource Section at the bottom of the page.
Emails: We also have an email distribution list, who we send the Newsletter to and whereby we periodically send out information that we think might be of interest to the Armed Forces Community. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please email the email address below.
Veteran's Forum: In June 2023, we started our first ever Veteran's Forum, whereby we invited members of the Armed Forces Community to come and meet us and let us know how they think support in Doncaster can be improved. The Forums are held every 3rd Thursday of the month, 7pm until 8pm, at The Linney Centre, Balby. Details of the most current Forum date can be found as a poster in the Resource section at the bottom of this page.
Get in touch
You can get in touch with us using the following methods:
Telephone: 01302 735600
Twitter: @DoncasterForces
Downloads & Resources
- Armed Forces Forum - March 2025
- Download (1.02MB - PDF)
- Doncaster Armed Forces Newsletter - February 2025
- Download (11.1MB - PDF)
- Newsletter - Doncaster Armed Forces Covenant Board - March 2024
- Download (6.25MB - PDF)
- Newsletter - Mental Health - November 2023
- Download (6.39MB - PDF)
- Newsletter - Cadets Reserves - July 2023
- Download (9.76MB - PDF)
- Newsletter - Suicide Prevention - April 2023
- Download (4.58MB - PDF)
- Newsletter - Carers - Oct 2022
- Download (4.56MB - PDF)
- Annual Report 21-22 FINAL
- Download (2.19MB - PDF)
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