Transport support services to help you get out and about

A list of services to support you when travelling.

Support services

Blue badge scheme

The blue badge scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows blue badge holders to park close to where they need to go. If you wish to apply for a blue badge, please visit our blue badge page.

Door 2 Door Community Transport Service

If you have difficulty using mainstream public transport, Door 2 Door Community Transport services in South Yorkshire may be able to help. Door 2 Door services are operated using fully accessible vehicles that take you directly from your home and around the local area you live in, making your travel experience as easy as possible. All Door 2 Door services must be pre-booked before travel.
For more information call Doncaster Community Transport on 01302 342400 or for information about accessible travel in South Yorkshire visit the Travel South Yorkshire website.

Disabled person's railcard

The Disabled Person’s Rail Card is designed to help make rail travel easier. You and the person you are travelling with may be eligible for up 1/3 rail travel discount.

For more information, please visit the disabled person’s railcard website.

Hospital shuttle service

There is a free hospital shuttle service between Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Bassetlaw Hospital and Montagu in Mexborough. The service is open to those:

  • Going to hospital for treatment without staying there overnight, and those travelling with them
  • Visiting people who are in hospital for treatment

For more information about this service, visit the Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS website.


Medicars help with transport getting to and from hospital appointments. Please call the department that arranged your appointment (restrictions apply to others travelling with you).

Mobility travel pass and Senior bus pass

The Mobility Travel Pass gives people with a disability free travel on buses, trams and trains in England (restrictions apply to those they’re travelling with). To apply for a pass, please visit our mobility pass page.

Once you reach eligible age, you can apply for an older person’s bus pass  for free local travel throughout England, subject to peak-hour time restrictions.

Motability scheme

Motability is a government funded scheme that gives disabled people choice and independence over their travel arrangements. If you wish to apply, you must be in receipt of the Disability Living Allowance Higher Rate Mobility (enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) when it comes into force.) Other restrictions may apply.

For more information, please visit the Motability website.

More information

Last updated: 28 February 2025 17:47:25

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