What you can and can't recycle in your green bin, collection information and what happens to the contents of your bin after collection.

Green Bin Collections will resume from week commencing Monday 3 March.

When is my collection?

Green bins are collected every two weeks between March and end of November.  You can check your collection day by clicking the button below:

For updates and information on collections during periods of bad weather follow Doncaster Council on Facebook and Twitter

Do you have more garden waste than one bin can handle?

You can sign up to a chargeable green waste service for the collection of additional green bins from your domestic premise.


What can you recycle in your green bin?

Yes please

  • grass cuttings
  • hedge clippings and shrub prunings
  • flowers, plants and weeds (no invasive weeds such as Japanese Knotweed or Ragwort)
  • leaves, bark, small twigs and branches.
  • old or dead houseplants
  • root balls (please remove excess soil)

No thanks

  • food waste including fruit, vegetables and peelings
  • items that do not compost
  • recyclable items such as cardboard, paper, plastic, metal and glass
  • any sacks or bags whether biodegradable/compostable or not
  • treated wood
  • soil, stones, gravel and turf   
  • pet bedding and waste
  • vacuum cleaner content

Please note we only accept limited quantities of soil at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). Please consider hiring a skip or use a licenced waste removal contractor. For information on the restrictions in place see the download below:

Construction and Demolition Wastes Guidance
Download (14KB - DOCX)

What do I need to do?

  • put your bin out to the edge of your property by 7am on your collection day and take it back in when emptied
  • all waste must be presented inside your green bin, we do not collect extra bags or loose waste
  • ensure the lid is fully closed

Is your bin missing or damaged?

You can request a new bin, or ask for your bin to be repaired by clicking the button below:

Missed collections

If your bin has not been emptied by 5pm on collection day, you can report a missed collection by clicking the button below:

Assisted collections

If you are unable to take your bin to the kerbside because of disability or ill health, you can apply for an assisted collection by clicking the button below:

What happens to the contents of my green bin?

Green waste is taken to an open air composting facility where animals and birds could come in to contact with it.

Following the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001 the Animal By-Products Regulations were introduced across Europe to prevent there being a risk to animal or public health through the spread of disease.  

Certain types of degradable wastes cannot be accepted at open air composting facilities.  Food waste (including fruit and vegetables) should not be placed in the green bin.

Green waste is:

  • checked for contamination before it is processed
  • shredded into smaller pieces
  • formed in to piles of organic material (windrows)
  • windrows are turned regularly over 10 to 14 weeks to speed up the composting process
  • screened and graded to produce different products
  • used for land remediation, landscaping and sold in garden centres

More information


Last updated: 06 March 2025 09:34:03

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