Bins and boxes for waste and recycling

Details of what you can put in your bins and box.

For more information about waste and recycling, including how you can maximise the available space in your bins and when your next collection is please choose from the links below.  More information can also be found on line

Where does my recycling (and rubbish) go?  You can find out more by watching the video at the bottom of this page.  

Types of collections and containers

We provide several different containers for different types of waste and recycling:

Collection time

On your collection day, please put your blue bin and green box out wherever your black and green bins are currently collected from, unless you receive a letter from the council telling you otherwise. Please ensure that your bins and boxes are put out for collection before 7am on the correct day and taken in when emptied.

Find your collection day

Missed collection

If your bin hasn’t been emptied by 5pm on the collection day you can report a missed collection online by clicking on the button below:

Changes to collections

For updates and information on collections during periods of bad weather follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Assisted collection

We can help with collections if you are unable to take your bin or box to the kerbside because of disability or ill health through our 'pull out service'. 

More places to recycle


Last updated: 01 March 2025 07:53:42

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