Cemetery and crematorium price list

Price list for the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. NOTE: As part of the Competition and Marketing Authority requirements, our Crematorium pricing information also has to be provided in a specific format.  This can be found in the document available for viewing and download below.

City of Doncaster Council Bereavement Services 1.4.24 - 31.3.25

Full Burial/ Grave fees

Adult Grave - Exclusive Rights for 100 years £1,465.00
Adult Grave - Exclusive Rights for 100 years - Inc Headstone Permit £1,761.00
Adult Grave - Exclusive Rights for 100 years - Pre Purchase £2,225.00
Grave interment fee for depth of 1 (4'6") £1,258.00
Grave interment fee for depth of 2 (6'6") £1,546.00
Grave interment fee for depth of 3 (8'6")  £1,829.00
Adult burial into Public grave £1,276.00
Use of chapel (30 minutes) £136.00
Burial slots are 30 minutes long - over running may incur addition fees
Childs Grave - Exclusive Right 100 years  £625.00
Grave interment fee - Childs grave £570.00
Childs Interment in Adult Grave £1,343.00
Child's Headstone Permit £100.00
Childrens burial fees (Stillborn - 17yrs) are claimed through Government funding - no charge to family
Strewing of Cremated Remains on Grave £112.00
Interment of Body Part £333.00
Late Burial paperwork £93.00
Late Charge (per 15mins late)  £62.00
Use of chapel (30 minutes) - Burial or Cremation not taking place with CDC £359.00
Amended/Duplicate grave deed £36.00
Grave Transfer Fee £53.00
Statutory Declaration & Transfer Fee £112.00
Cemetery cremated remains plots fees  
Cremated Remains Plot for 4 - Exclusive Rights for 50yrs £657.00
Cremated Remains Plot for 6 - Exclusive Rights for 50yrs £750.00
Interment of Cremated Remains £312.00
No show charge for interment/ scattering £62.00
Exhumation charge for Cremated Remains £352.00
Exhumation/ Extra Large Casket  £165.00
Permit Fees  
Permit for single headstone £296.00
Permit for double headstone (to be placed over 2 graves) £398.00
Permit for triple headstone (to be placed over 3 graves) £686.00
Permit for single kerb set £227.00
Permit for double kerbset (to be placed over 2 graves) £398.00
Permit for triple kerbset (to be placed over 3 graves) £525.00
Permit for replacement headstone £42.00
Permit for cremated remains tablet £136.00
Additional inscription £81.00
Permit for vase (size up to 12" x 12") £43.00
Permit for additional inscription on a vase £18.00
Memorial erected without permit (Permit still required) £64.00
Crematorium cremated remains plot fees  
Crematorium Plots - Exclusive rights for 50 years (Rose Hill Only) £573.00
Interment of cremated remains £312.00
No show charge for interment/ scattering £62.00
EX/FX /GS stone £610.00
SPGR / SPBP stone £403.00
Re-gild £140.00
Additional letters (per letter) £2.00
Photo plaque on crem plot  £187.00
Sanctum - 30yr inc 80 letters & 1st interment £1,596.00
Panorama Vault - 30yr inc 80 letters & 1st interment £1,204.00
Additional letters - Sanctum/Panorma (per letter) £2.00
Removal & refitting of sanctum plaque £50.00
Additional lettering & 2nd interment into Sanctum/Panorma £338.00
Panorama posy holder £53.00
Serenity Garden Bench Plaque  (shared bench) - 10 Years £382.00
Sanctum/Panorma Photo Plaques £94.00
Crematorium fees  
Direct Cremation inc medical ref fee & Environmental Container (No service or attendance) - (8:20am, 9:00am, 4:00pm or 4:20pm)  £450.00
Adult committal service charge inc medical ref fee & Environmental Container £996.00
Adult full service charge inc medical ref fee & Environmental Container £1,048.00
Additional Chapel Time (20 minutes) £345.00
Body parts £248.00
Childrens cremation fee (Stillborn - 17yrs) Claimed through Government funding - no charge to family £675.00
Late paperwork charge £93.00
Over running on cremation time £85.00
Cancellation of cremation 2 days prior to cremation £147.00
Consultation and help with completing cremation forms for independent funerals £222.00
Certificate of cremation £29.00
Scattering appointment £75.00
Scattering remains from elsewhere £112.00
Ashes scattering unattended in "present day" areas FOC
Ashes scattering unattended in customer selected area £27.00
Splitting of Cremated Remains into 2 portions £10.00
Environmental containers £21.00
Velvet Bags £22.00
Small Velvet Bags £10.00
Velvet Pouch £6.00
Plastic containers £39.00
Bronze urns £71.00
Wooden caskets £90.00
Decorated Container Tubes - Large £42.00
Decorated Container Tubes  - Small £18.00
Decorated Container Tubes - Very Small £11.00
Genealogy search (per person) £36.00
Single photo FOC
Additional block of 25 photos £22.00
Additional single photos to the above (price each photo) £13.00
Slide show  - up to 25 photos with simple fade transition £48.00
Family Made Tribute  £27.00
Music Slideshow (up to 25 photos to chosen piece of music) £75.00
Themed Pro Tribute (Montage professionally edited and timed to music) £101.00
Bespoke tribute (a professionally crafted tribute where families have access to "bespoke concierge" to create something unique and personal) 534.00
Live webcast in high quality , accessed via Obitus website £35.00
Crematorium Multimedia - Webcasting/Streaming £52.00
Keepsake copy of webcast - DVD, Blu Ray or USB £59.00
Additional copies of the above recording (price each copy) £30.00
Downloadable copy of visual tribute £11.00
Additional copies of the above Tribute (price each copy) £25.00
Video book (A keepsake video book of live stream/tribute or both) £101.00
Memory box (Premium box with 25 printed photos, USB, DVD) £139.00
Extra work (any products that need work) £22.00
Granite leaf on willow tree - 5 years £153.00
Rose tree - 5 years £393.00
Rose shrub or miniature shrub - 5 years £203.00
Additional labels on rose trees or shrubs £47.00
Bronze tablet path kerb 10 years £270.00
Bronze tablet on path kerb renewal - 10 years £221.00
Replacement bronze or granite tablet £176.00
Reserved sapec for Bronze Tablet £58.00
Ornamental tree with granite tablet 10 yrs £540.00
OT with granite tablet renewal - 10 yrs £495.00
Granite vases for path side renewal - 10 yrs £495.00
Scatter monument or barbican 10 yrs £411.00
Scatter monument or barbican renewal 10 yrs £224.00
Granite plaque on wishing well 10 yrs £293.00
Granite plaque on wishing well renewal 10 yrs £224.00
Book of Remembrance - inscription per line £48.00
Book of Remembrance - badges £94.00
Book or Remembrance - Coat of Arms £115.00
Miniature book (2 line entry) £115.00
Miniature card (2 line entry) £78.00
Extra lines per entry in books and cards £28.00



For further information, please contact us: 

Last updated: 24 February 2025 10:44:15

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