Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) sample trade letter

An example of a trade letter inviting the customer to consider the ADR scheme to resolve a complaint

Dear <Name>,

As you are aware we have been trying to resolve an outstanding complaint you have in
respect of <goods supplied and/or work carried out by us>.

Unfortunately, all internal processes which have sought to resolve the matter to your
satisfaction have been exhausted without having resolved the complaint to your
satisfaction. Therefore, if you wish to progress the matter further you may refer the matter
for independent Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

You have up to 12 months from the date of this letter to apply for ADR, although it would be
helpful if you decide soon so that the matter can be resolved as quickly as possible.

For your information, our ADR provider is the South Yorkshire Trading Standards Services,
who act independently of ourselves, using only qualified Trading Standards Staff to review
evidence in your case to make a decision.

They provide a two-stage ADR Scheme, the first stage (Mediation) looking to find a mutually
acceptable practical solution. The second stage if agreement at stage one is not reached is
an Adjudication that looks to award a financial settlement.

They are fully accredited by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) for their work.

Any decision they make will be complied with by ourselves whilst you will have the option as
to whether to accept the judgement or not.

More information can be found at:

If you wish to refer the matter for ADR please go to the webpage above or email:

Alternatively you may contact them in writing at:
Trading Standards Service
Doncaster Council
Civic Offices
Doncaster DN1 3BU

Yours sincerely

Last updated: 26 April 2024 08:12:52

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