Alternative Dispute Resolution for Businesses

Resolving a dispute with a customer using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme

A business cannot initiate Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

However, if you have exhausted your business's complaints procedure without resolving a complaint, you can invite the customer to consider ADR.

Here is an example of an ADR sample trade letter.

Your customer needs to apply. You will then be notified by email and have 7 days after receiving the email to confirm you agree to ADR and to submit your evidence.


For members of South Yorkshire Motor Trade Partnership and companies with a Primary Authority arrangement with any of the four authorities in South Yorkshre the cost of ADR is included in your fees.

For companies that have no existing arrangements to use the scheme the cost will be between £250 and £500 depending on whether it is resolved by mediation or arbitration.

We require the initial sum to be paid before mediation can begin. We will notify you if the second fee becomes payable and will require agreement before we can continue with the adjudication.

For more details on how the scheme works see the ADR page.

More information about the scheme

About the scheme

Who can apply

How to apply

After you apply

Last updated: 22 May 2024 08:32:00

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