Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumers

Resolving a dispute with a business using the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a quicker and cheaper alternative to court, where consumers and businesses can resolve their disputes.

South Yorkshire Trading Standards Services' (SYTSS) Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme is available to consumers who are in dispute with a business in relation to goods or services they have bought.

You must get the agreement of the business to participate in the scheme before you apply. If the business does not agree, you cannot continue with the scheme.

Members of the South Yorkshire Motor Trade Partnership and some other Companies have already agreed to use the scheme. You can view the Motor Trade Partnership Member List on the web page.

Read more about what is expected of the business when you initiate Alternative Dispute Resolution.

The SYTSS ADR Scheme is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute.

Annual Reports

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2022-23
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Schedule 6 Report 2022-23

Archived reports:
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2021-22
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2020-21

Alternative Dispute Resloution - Schedule 6 Report 2020-21
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2019-20
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2018-19
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Annual Report 2017-18
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Schedule 6 Report 2017-19

More information about the scheme

About the scheme

Who can apply

How to apply

After you apply

Last updated: 28 June 2024 07:07:15

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