Care About Being Safe (C.A.B.S)

Make sure your taxi or private hire car has a sign that shows it is registered and licensed

All drivers carry identification and must produce it if asked.

Look for these important items every time you use a taxi (Hackney Carriage) or mini cab (private hire). The following items will ensure that you are travelling in safety:

  1. two Door Stickers - one at each side (private hire, mini cabs).
  2. two Plates - one back and front.
  3. small circular window sticker on the windscreen with test expiry date, vehicle number and registration number.
  4. once inside the vehicle the driver will have a badge which should be worn on his/her person.
  5. a small plate displaying the same number as the plates outside back and front, fixed inside, in view of the passengers.

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Last updated: 10 May 2024 10:18:41

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