Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver (Dual Licence)

A licence is required before any person can drive a licensed hackney carriage or private hire vehicle.

  • There are a significant number of pre-application requirements which you must complete prior to the submission of an application
  • The timescales given for processing an application only begins at the point we consider the application to be complete and does not take into account delays in waiting for information from the applicant
  • An application is only considered complete when all the pre-application requirements have been completed and a full application has been received by this department

New Applications

Do I need a licence?

This particular licence allows you to drive both hackney carriage and private hire vehicles.

Before submitting your application you should complete the following:

You are advised to pay particular attention to ‘Appendix 2 Statement of Policy about Relevant Convictions’ before doing anything else.

What do I need to apply?


  1. Book, attend and pass the Council’s approved practical driving test (and wheelchair exercise if applying for Hackney Carriage or Joint licence) – tests can be booked directly with ‘The Blue Lamp Trust’ The Blue Lamp Trust offers frequent test availability. To book your practical driving test directly with The Blue Lamp Trust please visit their webpage - TaxiAssesments | THE BLUE LAMP TRUST. To book your Wheelchair exercise assessment (or a combined practical driving test and wheelchair exercise assessment) directly with The Blue Lamp Trust please visit their webpage - Wheelchair Assessment | THE BLUE LAMP TRUSTIf you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding Blue Lamp Trust please contact them directly via info@bluelamptrust.org.uk 

  2. Book, attend and pass the Doncaster Council knowledge test and safeguarding awareness session – this can be booked at the link below:
    Knowledge and Safeguarding Knowledge Test (see ‘additional information’ for further details)

  3. Doncaster Council requires all applicants to hold a full DVLA driving licence for a period of at least 2 continuous years immediately prior to making an application and this must be in your current address (see the Policy for full details and requirements)

  4. Obtain a ‘Group 2’ Standard medical certificate from a medical practitioner using this form Medical 08.24 Download (34KB - PDF)
     (the medical practitioner MUST have access to your previous medical history). Please refer to the advice included on the form.

  5. if you have previously spent more than 3 consecutive months outside of the UK, you are required to provide a 'certificate of good character' from the appropriate embassy(s) (see Policy for details)

  6. If you do not hold a UK passport, you will need to provide evidence of your right to work in the UK (further information is provided below)

  7. Get a passport sized photograph of yourself (taken recently). No hats or head covering (unless worn for religious reasons)

  8. Obtain an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Certificate which includes checks of the Vulnerable Adult and Children Barred List.You should apply and obtain your own Enhanced DBS Certificate – Child & Adult Workforce through a registered body. A list of registered body’s is available on the government website - https://www.gov.uk/find-dbs-umbrella-body.

    Although you are free to choose which registered body you apply through for a DBS certificate, Doncaster Council is working with TaxiPlus who are able to provide this service. You can apply through TaxiPlus via this link – https://www.taxiplus.co.uk/councils/doncaster

    If you have any questions about obtaining a DBS check then please click here to view the most frequently asked questions

    Remember - 
    You MUST subscribe to the DBS Update Service so we can check your entitlement on a 6 month basis.

    Further information on the DBS is available via this link DBS Code of Conduct
    Once you have received your enhanced DBS certificate, please produce the original to the civic office reception where an authorised copy will be taken.

Once you are satisfied that you have complied with all of the above requirements you can submit the application, supporting documents and fee to the Licensing Department at Doncaster Council.

Your application will not be considered valid until all the necessary information and original document(s) have been produced and the relevant fee has been paid.

How do I apply?

You can apply online through the 'My Licensing' section using your 'My Doncaster' account

How much does it cost?

Knowledge test and safeguarding awareness session: £87.50

New Application Fee: £201.50

There are additional pre application costs for the following:

  • Practical driving & wheelchair assessments (Blue Lamp Trust)
  • Enhanced DBS certificate and DBS update service subscription
  • Group 2 medical certificate

How long does the process take?

We will carry out all the required checks after receipt of a complete application.

Due to the high demand experienced by this service, processing times have been impacted and and your patience is appreciated at this time.


If we are unable to grant you a licence without further investigation, you will be invited to attend a licensing hearing, where your application will be determined.

If your licence is granted it will be sent to you in the post.

Apply now

When you are ready to make your application, you can do so at the link below.


The button link above will take you to your My Doncaster account - select 'My Licensing' once in your account to make an application (as shown in the following screenshot): 
  Screenshot from MyDoncaster account of My Licensing option

Renewal of an Existing Licence

This section is information on renewing an existing licence.

Do I need a licence?

It is the responsibility of the licence holder to ensure that their licence is renewed prior to the expiry of their current licence.

A licence may be renewed up to 2 months prior to the expiry date.

Any licence that is not renewed within 1 month following expiry will not be renewed and a new application in full will be required.

What do I need to apply?


  1. Application form
  2. Fee
  3. HMRC Tax Check Code * (See below)
  4. Ensure you have attended a Safeguarding Awareness Session within the last 36 months (3 years)
  5. if you have previously spent more than 3 consecutive months outside of the UK, you are required to provide a 'certificate of good character' from the appropriate embassy(s) (see Policy for details)
  6. ‘Group 2’ standard medical certificate (where required)
  7. A valid enhanced DBS certificate which is subscribed to the DBS update service.

HMRC Tax Check Code*

From 4 April 2022, licensing authorities are responsible for carrying out certain checks on applications from individuals, companies and any type of partnership to make sure they are aware of their tax responsibilities or have completed a tax check.

If you make an application on or after 4 April 2022 you’ll need to complete a tax check, link below for information and how to apply:

Changes for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications from April 2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  

After you have completed the tax check you will be given a 9-character tax check code.

You will need to give the code on your application to the licensing authority, so we can confirm you have carried out a tax check.

Please note that the HMRC has powers to obtain information from licensing authorities:

Schedule 23 to Finance Act 2011 (Data Gathering Powers) and Schedule 36 to Finance Act 2008 (Information and Inspection Powers), grant HMRC powers to obtain relevant information from third parties. This includes licensing bodies being required to provide information about licence applicants.

How do I apply?

You can apply online through the 'My Licensing' section using your 'My Doncaster' account

How much does it cost?


How long does the process take?

Upon receipt if a completed application, we aim to issue within 28 days. Please be aware that during busier periods this may take longer.

Apply now

To renew your existing licence, select the link below. Please note that you will be asked for your reference number, this can be found on the letter we have sent you.


The button link above will take you to your My Doncaster account - select 'My Licensing' once in your account to make an application (as shown in the following screenshot): 
  Screenshot from MyDoncaster account of My Licensing option

Additional Information

If, during the application process, we become aware that the applicant either:

  • has relevant criminal convictions; or
    • there are concerns arising out of the assessment of the applicant’s driving licence

So that the authority cannot automatically determine whether the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold the licence applied for, then the applicant will be invited to attend a licensing hearing. 

Details of the hearing process can be found in the Policy.

We look forward to receiving your application and if you have any difficulty with any of the forms or have any questions, please contact us by email taxi.licensing@doncaster.gov.uk 


How long does the licence last?

Three years

(Or less, subject to your leave to remain in the UK – see work eligibility for more information)

Knowledge Test

What you need to know before attending

You should have knowledge of Doncaster Council’s Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy.

You should have a good knowledge of the borough and be able to use and A-Z map of the area.

This is a written test and you will need to be able to answer question in writing and in English.

You MUST produce photographic I.D. (valid passport / driving licence) each time you attend for a test. Anyone who fails to produce the required identification will not be permitted to sit the test.

After the test has finished, you will not need to remain. The test will be marked and the results will be sent to you by post.

Work Eligibility

Your right to work in the UK will be checked as part of your licence application, this could include the licensing authority checking your immigration status with the Home Office. We may otherwise share information with the Home Office.

You must therefore provide a ‘share code’, document or document combination that is stipulated as being suitable for this check.

Option 1: Share Code
Details of how to obtain a share code can be found at: 

Option 2: Documents
The list of documents is set out in the guidance document available on the Government website:

You must provide the original document(s), such as your passport or biometric residence permit, as indicated in the published guidance, so that the check can take place.
The document(s) will be copied and the copy retained by the licensing authority.

The original document will be returned to you.

If there are restrictions on the length of time you may work in the UK, your licence will not be issued for any longer than this period. In such circumstances the check will be repeated each time you apply to renew your licence. If, during this period, you are disqualified from holding a licence because you have not complied with the UK’s immigration laws, your licence will lapse and you must return it to the licensing authority.

Failure to do so is a criminal offence. 

Notification of Convictions

Existing licence holders are required to notify the licensing authority in writing or by email within 48 hours of an arrest and release, charge or conviction (including a caution) of any sexual offence, any offence involving dishonesty or violence and any motoring offence.

Please complete Notification of Convictions Form and return to taxi.licensing@doncaster.gov.uk 


Other links 





Last updated: 28 February 2025 15:01:39

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