Hackney Carriage Vehicle
Taxis have been licensed for over 150 years – the legislation for hackney carriages pre dates the invention of the motor car dating back to 1847 – and private hire vehicles were first licensed almost 40 years ago.
Before a vehicle is licensed it must pass an MOT and garage test to ensure its safety. We issue licences for taxis and ensure that the vehicles are suitable and adequately insured to ensure high standards of safety.
Once licensed, a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire vehicle remains a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire vehicle until the licence either expires, is suspended or revoked. A licensed vehicle can, subject to very limited exemptions, only ever be legally driven by a driver who holds the relevant Hackney Carriage or Private Hire drivers’ licence and appropriate insurance.
With regard to Hackney Carriages, it is the policy of Doncaster Council to only licence purpose built Hackney Carriages which are wheelchair accessible and fitted with a partition between the driver and passenger compartments. The driver’s compartment must never be used to carry any fare paying passenger(s).
Do I need a licence?
What do I need to apply?
- You must ensure a taxi meter is fitted in the vehicle and has been calibrated to Doncaster Council's tariff
- Book and pass a vehicle test (meter seal test included in the booking process if licensing a new vehicle)
- A Basic Disclosure Certificate which is less that one month old, will be required for each individual/director/partner applying for a vehicle proprietor's licence (it is recognised that a licensed driver will already be subject to disclosure and barring service checks, therefore will not be required to produce this document).
- Certificate of good character - where you have spent 3 continuous months outside of the UK, it's a requirement to provide a 'certificate of good character' from the appropriate embassy(s)
- Complete the online application process (when prompted following a successful vehicle inspection)
The following documents must be produced once a test is passed and an application for a licence is made:
- vehicle registration document
- policy or cover note of insurance covering the vehicle for "public and/or private hire use" for all drivers
How do I apply?
Using your 'My Doncaster' profile you can can access 'My Licensing' to begin booking an inspection.
Once your vehicle has successfully passed a meter seal and test, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the application for a licence.
How much does it cost?
Sealing of Taxi Meter £58.50 (new vehicle process only)
Vehicle Inspection: £77.00 (all application processes will charge £77.00 initially to secure a test)
Vehicle Retest (If required following a failed test): £35.00
Vehicle Licence and Plates £229.20 (new and renewal processes will be charged this fee following a successful vehicle inspection)
(Postage £4.20 is included with this fee and is now mandatory)
Front Bracket (optional) £7.20
Rear Bracket (optional) £14.50
Appointments can be cancelled by email up to 48 hours before the appointment without incurring any costs. No refunds will be provided for cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice, failing to attend or any other action on your part which prevents the appointment taking place.
How long does the process take?
Any vehicle that has not had its meter correctly calibrated to the Doncaster tariff and had its meter successfully sealed will not pass a test at north bridge testing station and will not be able to have a licence granted. Meter Seal appointments are only available on Thursday mornings, see the ‘apply now’ section to book.
When you apply online for a vehicle test you will be offered a number of appointment times to attend a test at North Bridge testing station. If your vehicle fails its test, you will be advised by the testing officer and will receive information by email on how to book a retest appointment.
If your vehicle passes the test we will send you a link by email which will allow you to complete the application process online.
Vehicles which are being licensed for the first time or which are tested after the expiry of the licence must be licensed within 10 working days of the date of the test otherwise the vehicle will be required to undergo a further test at the expense of the applicant. This additional test will not count towards the maximum of 3 tests per year.
Issuing of vehicle licence and plates:
On receipt of a successful application your licence and plates will be posted to you within 5 working days.
Interim tests will have window stickers posted within 1 working day.
Please note that issues with your paperwork will result in delays, if you feel you need to submit further documentation to assist your application please email - taxi.licensing@doncaster.gov.uk
Apply now
It is expected that all vehicle proprietors have their own 'My Doncaster' account as your name and address will auto-populate the online forms.
Book a Vehicle Test Online
NOTE: For interim tests and renewals:
Vehicles may be presented for test up to 1 month prior to the test due date
The below button link will take you to your My Doncaster account - select 'My Licensing' once in your account to begin your booking (as shown in the following screenshot):
- Are you a returning customer wanting to book another vehicle test? Please be aware that the online booking system requires you to wait 7 days from when your previous application was completed to book another test for the same vehicle.
- Please be aware that if you select a 'New' or 'Annual Renewal' test that the system is configured to take the test fee initially, then after a successful vehicle inspection it will charge you the remaining licence fee.
- All Doncaster Hackney Carriage vehicles must have a fitted taxi meter which is calibrated to the published tariff and sealed by Trading Standards
- Where the online process detects a meter seal is required it allow you to book an appointment on the My Licensing portal.
A vehicle re-test booking should only be made when your vehicle has failed an initial vehicle test within the last 10 working days.
Appointments can be cancelled by telephone or email up to 48 hours before the appointment without incurring any costs. No refunds will be provided for cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice, failing to attend or any other action on your part which prevents the appointment taking place.
Additional Information
Interim Tests
Vehicles may be presented for test up to 1 month prior to the test due date.
Depending on the age of the vehicle, interim testing may be required during the period of the licence, as set out below.
Age of Vehicle | Test Frequency |
Less than 4 years | Annually |
Over 4 years but less than 7 years | 6 Monthly |
Over 7 years | 4 monthly |
The age of the vehicle will be determined on the start date of the licence from the date of first registration as stated on the vehicle registration document.
To book an interim test – see the apply now section heading above.
Category Write off’s
Has the vehicle ever been classified as a category write-off?
Category A or B
Vehicles which have been classified as Category A or B will not be considered suitable to be a licensed.
Category C, D, S or N
Vehicles which have been classified as Category C or D (prior to 01/10/2017) or Category S or N (after 01/10/2017) will only be considered when a detailed report by a suitably qualified mechanic has been provided. Please see Independent Inspection Report Guidance
Reporting an accident in a licensed vehicle
If a licensed vehicle is damaged, and that damage affects the safety, performance and appearance of the licensed vehicle or the comfort or convenience of persons carried then the accident MUST be reported in writing within 72 hours of the accident. The vehicle's proprietor is required to complete the following form: Accident Report Form
Taxi Policy
The Doncaster Council 'Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy' can be viewed on the following webpage Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy
Doncaster HC Fare's 2023
Personalised Registrations
- DVLA Plate Authorisation Certificate (for the new registration)
- Email from DVLA confirming that the new registration can be put on your vehicle
- Logbook showing new registration
- Insurance showing new registration
- You will need to hand in the current plates from your vehicle before we can issue your new plates
(you will not be permitted to use your private hire/hackney carriage vehicle until you have received your new licence and plates) - You will need to pay for the cost of making new vehicle plates
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