Licensing Act 2003

The Act covers:

- the sale by retail of alcohol
- the supply of alcohol by clubs
- the provision of regulated entertainment
- the provision of late night refreshment

The Act introduces the concept of a premises licence and a personal licence.

All applications for a premises licence or a club premises certificate must show how they will promote the licensing objectives, which are: -

- the prevention of crime and disorder
- the prevention of public nuisance
- public safety
- the protection of children from harm

The Licensing Act 2003 introduces a light touch system of permitted temporary activities.

The system involves an event organiser (the "premises user") giving a temporary event notice (TEN) to the licensing authority and copying this to the police and environmental health.

Licensable activities may only be carried on under, and in accordance with, a premises licence, temporary event notice or club premises certificate.

Licensable activities may only be carried on under, and in accordance with, a premises licence, temporary event notice or club premises certificate.  If you intend to carry on any of the licensable activities and unless your activity is covered by one of the exemptions in the Act, you need one of these three authorisations. It is an offence to carry on any licensable activity without the relevant authorisation.

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Last updated: 24 December 2024 08:10:40

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