Premises Licences - Interim Authority Notice

The 2003 Act provides special arrangements for the continuation of permissions under a premises licence when the holder of a licence dies suddenly, becomes bankrupt, mentally incapable or ceases to be entitled to work in the UK. In the normal course of events, the licence would lapse in such circumstances. However, there may also be some time before, for example, the deceased person’s estate can be dealt with or an administrative receiver appointed. This could have a damaging effect on those with interests

Do I need a licence?

Where a premises licence has lapsed owing to the death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder or where the holder ceases to be entitled to work in the UK. In such circumstances, an “interim authority” notice may be given to the licensing authority within 28 consecutive days beginning the day after the licence lapsed.

An interim notice may only be given either by a person with a prescribed interest in the premises as set out in the regulations made under the 2003 Act (which may be viewed on the Government’s legislation website); or by a person connected to the former holder of the licence (normally a personal representative of the former holder; or a person with power of attorney; or where someone has become insolvent, that person’s insolvency practitioner). The person giving the interim authority notice must be entitled to work in the UK.

The effect of giving the notice is to reinstate the premises licence as if the person giving the notice is the holder of the licence and thereby allow licensable activities to continue to take place pending a formal application for transfer. The maximum period for which an interim authority notice may have effect is three months.

What do I need to apply?

1. Complete the application form
2. Pay the fee

How do I apply?

You can apply online

How much does it cost?


How long does the process take?

The application is subject to a consultation of the police and home office authorities. Within 2 working days they must be satisfied to allow the interim authority notice, if they feel there are exceptional circumstances to cancel the notice they may object.

An objection will be considered quickly and a hearing will be held to determine the application.

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Additional Information

About the notice 

The interim authority notice ceases to have effect unless, by the end of the initial period of 28 consecutive days, a copy of the notice has been given to the chief officer of police and the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement). Within two working days of receiving the copy, and if satisfied that in the exceptional circumstances of the case failure to cancel the interim authority would undermine the crime prevention objective, the police may give a notice to that effect to the licensing authority. Similarly, the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) may give a notice to the licensing authority if satisfied that the exceptional circumstances of the case are such that failure to cancel the interim authority would undermine the prevention of illegal working in licensed premises. In such circumstances, the licensing authority must hold a hearing to consider the objection notice and cancel the interim authority notice if it decides that it is appropriate to do so for the promotion of the crime prevention objective.

Licensing authorities should be alert to the need to consider the objection quickly. Under section 50 of the 2003 Act, where the premises licence lapses (because of death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder or because the holder is no longer entitled to work in the UK) or by its surrender, but no interim authority notice has effect, a person who may apply for the grant of a premises licence under section 16(1) may apply within 28 consecutive days of the lapse for the transfer of the licence to them with immediate effect pending the determination of the application. This will result in the licence being reinstated from the point at which the transfer application was received by the licensing authority. Where the application is made in writing, the person applying for the transfer must copy their application to the chief officer of police and the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement). If the application is made electronically the licensing authority must copy the application to the police and the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement).

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Last updated: 24 December 2024 08:35:38

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