Premises Licences - Transfer of Premises Licence

Ownership or control of the licensed premises typically changes when the premises are sold or leased from one person or company to another. When this happens, an application to transfer the licence must be made immediately to update the licence holder details before you can carry on activities.

Do I need a licence?

If you wish to take over a premises licence, you must make an application to transfer it and also obtain consent from the existing licence holder.

You are required to obtain consent from the current licence holder before submitting an application.

What do I need to apply?


  1. Complete the application form
  2. Pay the fee
  3. Consent of transfer
  4. Proof of right to work in UK (not applicable if applying as a limited company)

How do I apply?

You can apply online

How much does it cost?


How long does the process take?

Representations from any responsible authority will be accepted during the period of 14 days starting from when your application is made. If a valid representation is received, the application will be referred to the licensing sub-committee for determination.

Apply now

Transfer Application -

Consent of transfer -

If you are unable to apply online you can download the form here GOV.UK alcohol licensing 


Additional Information

Licensing Act 2003 Guidance

In the vast majority of cases, it is expected that a transfer will be a very simple administrative process. Section 43 of the 2003 Act provides a mechanism which allows the transfer to come into immediate interim effect as soon as the licensing authority receives it, until it is formally determined or withdrawn. This is to ensure that there should be no interruption to normal business at the premises. If the police or the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) raise no objection about the application, the licensing authority must transfer the licence in accordance with the application, amend the licence accordingly and return it to the new holder.

In exceptional circumstances where the chief officer of police believes the transfer may undermine the crime prevention objective, the police may object to the transfer. The Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) may object if it considers that granting the transfer would be prejudicial to the prevention of illegal working in licensed premises. Such objections are expected to be rare and arise because the police or the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) have evidence that the business or individuals seeking to hold the licence, or businesses or individuals linked to such persons, are involved in crime (or disorder) or employing illegal workers

Other links 

Last updated: 24 December 2024 08:33:31

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