It is illegal to conduct acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, semi permanent skin colouring or electrolysis unless you are registered.

Do I need a licence?

Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Part VIII, you are required to register with the council if you carry out any of the following activities:

  • acupuncture,
  • tattooing,
  • cosmetic piercing,
  • semi-permanent skin colouring
  • electrolysis.

The Act requires registration to cover both the person carrying on the practice and the premises to be used for that purpose.

Registration is required to be effected by the Licensing Authority unless the applicant has had a previous registration cancelled by a court, in which case the consent of that court is required. Once registered practices are controlled through observance of Doncaster byelaws and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

What do I need to apply?


  1. Ensure that you are compliant with Doncaster Council’s piercing byelaws (please see download below):
    Download (66KB - PDF)

    (The applicant must ensure that the procedures, equipment and facilities used are safe, hygienic, prevent the spread of disease and comply fully with the general duty of care required by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

  1. Complete the application form and pay the relevant fee.
  2. You’ll need to provide copies of the appropriate qualification certificates


How do I apply?

You can apply online using the link under the section 'Apply now'

How much does it cost?

Registration - £271.00

Transfer an existing registration to another premises - £73.00

Add an additional person to an existing registration - £73.00

How long does the process take?

The outcome of your application will be determined within 28 days.

Once an application has been made and the fee paid, a registration certificate will be sent to you. Following this an inspector will undertake an inspection of the premises to ensure the applicant's procedures and premises are suitable.

The inspector will also check compliance with the relevant bye-law requirements as well as ensuring that general health and safety requirements are being met. The inspector will be pleased to offer advice as to how these obligations can be met.

Apply now

You can now apply and pay online, please use the following link:


If you have any problems applying online you can complete the application form below and email it to Once a completed application form has been received, we will contact you with payment options. 

Skin Piercing Registration Application

Additional Information

How long is the registration valid?

A registration remains in place until such time that the named person leaves the premises or the business itself is moved to a different address.

What if I want to transfer the registration or change the registered address?

Complete ‘application to change’ see Apply Now 


Report a Concern

Report a Concern


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Last updated: 23 December 2024 15:10:59

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