Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003

The statement of licensing policy aims to secure public safety, protect children from harm, prevent public nuisance and prevent crime and disorder whilst encouraging a sustainable leisure and entertainment industry.

The four aims listed above form the statutory licensing objectives that this policy, the licensing authority, and all licence holders must strive to achieve.

The council recognises both the expectations of local residents for a safe and healthy environment in which to live and work, and the need for the provision of safe and well conducted entertainment and leisure facilities throughout the borough.

The policy aims to provide information and guidance to applicants, those making representations and other interested parties on the general considerations and approach that will be adopted by the licensing authority, the council, in making determinations under the Licensing Act 2003.

The Council has adopted a special policy, if representations are made, of refusing all licence applications in the areas of Doncaster detailed in the Cumulative Impact Assessment, if, by granting them, they would contribute to the cumulative impact on the area. Applications made for premises licences within the adopted Cumulative Impact Areas will be considered on the individual merits of each application, and if the application is unlikely to significantly add to this cumulative impact, then the licence may be granted.

Please see the Councils Statement of licensing Policy

cumulative impact

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Last updated: 02 January 2025 10:06:47

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