It is illegal to collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes without obtaining a street collection licence from the council if that collection is held 'in a street or public place'.

Do I need a licence?

You will need a permit if you intend to undertake charitable collections in a street or public place.

A 'public place' is a 'place where the public has access' and also includes shop doorways and car parks.

In addition, a pedlar’s licence, issued by the police cannot be used for this purpose.

What do I need to apply?


  1. Complete Application
  2. A leaflet about the charity you are collecting for.
  3. A letter of authority from the charity which states that you are authorised.
  4. The authority requires a minimum of 1 months notice prior to the collection date


How do I apply?

Applications can be made online

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for this process.

How long does the process take?

The outcome of your application will be determined within 28 days.

Apply now

Apply online

The authority requires a minimum of 1 months notice prior to the collection date

Street Collection

A permit is valid for one collection day. 

A return form must be completed following the collection and returned to the Council. This form will be sent to you once your application form has been received, alternatively you can submit the form online:

Street Collection Returns

Additional Information

General Information

There is no cost for the issuing of consent but there are regulations which govern this type of collection. Consents are restricted to enable charities to raise money without their collections clashing with those of other charities. The purpose of the legal requirement to obtain consent is to ensure collectors are properly authorised and that money is collected in a secure way and the total proceeds collected are properly accounted for. A copy of the Police, Factories, etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1916) can be viewed at the council offices where an application form and a copy of the standard conditions can be obtained.

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Last updated: 02 January 2025 10:06:04

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