There are lots of different ways you can pay your Council Tax each month. The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit or online.

Before you set up your preferred way to pay, we recommend you have your City of Doncaster Council reference number ready.

Online via debit or credit card payment

Set up a new Direct Debit / Change an existing Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the most convenient way to pay your Council Tax and is easy to set up by using our Direct Debit on line form. You can sign up at any time.

If you want to pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit, or provide new bank details to amend an existing Direct Debit, you can provide your bank details and request this online.

If you are changing your bank details, once your form is submitted we will automatically stop taking payment from your old Direct Debit details (Please be aware that a payment may still be collected if your request is submitted within the 10 days before your usual payment date). Once the change is made on our system and before we start collecting payments from your new bank details, we will send you confirmation your Direct Debit has been changed. 

Please note: if you have arrears and have received a court summons you will need to contact us on 01302 734454 (select option 1 for Council Tax) and make an arrangement to pay. Once payment terms have been agreed taking into account your income and expenditure a member of staff can set up a Direct Debit with you.


Call 0333 2000 324 to pay by debit or credit card. The line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Post Office

The bar code on any letter sent to you allows you to pay by cash or debit card free of charge at any post office. Find your nearest Post Office using the Post Office branch finder.


The bar code on any letter sent to you allows you to pay cash at any outlet where you see the Paypoint sign. There is no cost for using this service.

Bank Transfer or Standing Order (from your bank or building society)

You can use your Internet or telephone banking to pay us by quoting:

  • sort code 30 92 68
  • account number 40729168

Please make sure to provide your account number as your payment reference.

As payments can take longer using this method, make sure they are paid in advance of your specified instalment date.


Make your cheque payable to City of Doncaster Council and include your City of Doncaster Council reference on the reverse of the cheque. Payments can take longer using this method, so please make sure they are paid in plenty of time before your instalment date.

Please note that our postal address is: Revenues, City of Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU.

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Last updated: 22 November 2024 09:07:07

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