Domestic Abuse Strategy and Annual Report
This page contains the latest versions of the Doncaster domestic abuse strategy and other local and national policies and protocols to support professionals in tackling domestic abuse.
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021-2024
A new version of the Doncaster domestic abuse strategy is now available. The strategy (published in October 2021) sets out the vision and priorities for preventing and responding to domestic abuse in Doncaster. The four priorities are:
- Prevention of domestic abuse
- Keeping victims and families safe
- Holding abusers to account
- Governance and leadership
For more information about the strategy please contact
Domestic Abuse Annual Report 2023-2024
The Doncaster Domestic Abuse Annual Report 2023-2024 details progress made against the objectives set out in the current strategy. It is a true celebration of the coordinated community response to tackling domestic abuse in Doncaster.
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Annual Report 2023-2024
You can also see what we did the previous years by taking a look at the annual reports linked to the current domestic abuse strategy. It also includes updates about what survivors said during the consultation for the strategy and what has changed as a result, in a section called 'You said, we did'.
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Annual Report 2022-2023
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Annual Report 2021-2022
The Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol - UPDATED 2023!
This document contains a wealth of information about domestic abuse and how professionals should respond in Doncaster. Domestic Abuse Protocol - City of Doncaster Council
Check out the initiatives page on this website for information about services and projects aimed at preventing and tackling domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse Act 2021 Factsheets
Domestic Abuse Bill 2020: factsheets - GOV.UK (
Downloads & Resources
- Doncaster Domestic Abuse Strategy Published October 2021
- Download (2.13MB - PDF)
- Doncaster Sexual Violence Strategy 2018 to 2021 Final
- Download (785KB - PDF)
- Domestic Abuse Protocol Version 2 Final June 2023
- Download (1.4MB - PDF)
- Survivor Liaison Service - Yearly Report
- Download (9.9MB - PDF)
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