Doncaster Cultural Education Partnership

Doncaster is one of the first towns in the region to have set up a Cultural Education Partnership (CEP). The Doncaster CEP brings arts and cultural organisations, educational institutions and the local authority together to drive a joined-up local arts and cultural offer for children and young people across the borough both inside and outside of school.

Inclusion sits at the heart of the CEP. We want to promote the idea that all children & young people should be able to access quality cultural opportunities.  We want the young people in Doncaster to be inspired, engaged and connected, and feel they belong.

Doncaster CEP Vision

Our vision is to see all children and young people and their families participating in and enjoying great cultural experiences across Doncaster.

Doncaster CEP Mission

  • Members of the partnership will focus on practical activity and collaboration, which deepens our understanding of the impact of creative/cultural activity on children and young people.
  • Members will seek to strengthen the partnership through diverse cultural and artistic programming and by demonstrating more meaningful impact through collaborative working.  We will recognise, share and draw upon experience of the partners and their areas of expertise.
  • We will focus on three collaborations a year with tangible and achievable outcomes, which specifically demonstrate the impact of creative/cultural activity on identity, wellbeing and learning.  Our methodology will assess and articulate the impact of these programmes and is shared across the partnership.
  • We will be consultative with young people, so that young people have a clear and central voice to our work, influencing our direction and focus.
  • We will work in a way, which allows fluidity to membership of the group. Members contribute what they can, when they can.  Membership is open to cultural and educational organisation within the borough.
  • Partners will fulfil an advocacy role using newly acquired evidence to demonstrate the value of cultural experience to communities and families in Doncaster and to raise awareness of the benefits of great cultural and artistic engagement.

If you would like to read the DCEP Vision and Mission Document in full, please visit the downloads and resources area on this page.

What Next?

The Doncaster CEP holds 1 full meeting per school term. If you would like to attend a meeting, become a partner, or join a working group, contact Stevie Cairns (Cultural Education Manager) or

Last updated: 06 October 2022 11:49:46

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