Get Doncaster Cycling Microgrant Scheme (UCI)
The funding Scheme was open to communities and allowed them to apply for small pots of money to assist them in delivering events, decorating their area and take advantage of the event within their Community.
As a result of the Leeds Beckett University research on Tour De Yorkshire 2018 and the recommendation’s for future events they had identified, Doncaster Council introduced a Microgrant funding Scheme for the 2019 Tour De Yorkshire in Doncaster.
The funding Scheme was open to communities and allowed them to apply for small pots of money to assist them in delivering events, decorating their area and take advantage of the event within their Community.
To download the Monitoring Report for the TDY Microgrant Scheme please click the below link (Accessible version also available):-
- TDY 19 Microgrant Monitoring Report
- Download (3.04MB - PDF)
- Accessible TDY 19 Microgrant Monitoring Report
- Download (1.31MB - PDF)
The scheme was seen as a huge success and therefore delivered again for the UCI Road World Championships.
In total 15x Community Groups and organisations applied and were successful. Please click on the below drop down boxes to find out more about each applicant and how they utilised the funding:-
Friends of Sandall Park
Their application was for a number of items, which they would distribute to those utilising the “Sterile Zone” viewing area to encourage their involvement and participation:-
• Waving Flags
• Plastic re-usable sports bottles for water
• Non – Perishable items such as dried fruit / seeds and nuts etc.

Edenthorpe Parish Council
• Bunting
• Waving Flags
The Bunting was utilised along the full stretch of road in Edenthorpe with participation from local businesses and residents. The Waving flags were handed out to members of the public and a large number of schoolchildren who had come out to watch the race.
People Focused Group
They were seeking funding for a Gas BBQ to be used on the day which would enable them to provide refreshments and help to create a party style atmosphere. They advised they would charge a minimal cost for a burger which will cover the cost of providing food and help to contribute to the costs incurred in decorating etc. The BBQ would then continue to be a community asset and allow them to host more of these fun days.

Doncaster Council – Countryside Team
The funding was used to purchase the relevant items required for this activity.
They engaged with approximately 2700 pupils with the support from Doncaster Councils Communities team. This included a number of primary schools in the Thorne and Moorends area. This also allowed the group to use the event to create a working relationship with the local schools and engage with the public.
Thorne Moorends Events Working Group

Thorne Netball Club
The group also wanted to have a stall advertising opportunities for people to engage with the club and play netball. Their aim was to engage the local community in the sport and raise awareness of their club and local sessions.
Therefore, the group applied for a Gazebo and folding table, which enabled them to provide a base and a focal point to engage with interested parties to display information and provide a more professional approach to encourage participants to have a go and join in.

St Paul’s Community Church
The group applied for a number of Arts and Crafts items to be used by families and local school children to create UCI and bicycle themed artwork. They also applied for a small number of refreshment items to be offered to attendees to their event.

Royal British Legion -Thorne Branch / Bridging Generations / Thorne & Moorends Healthy Living Group
• Royal British Legion -Thorne Branch
• Bridging Generations
• Thorne & Moorends Healthy Living Group
This would also create a quieter rest area during the wider fan zone event delivered in Thorne.
Working in partnership with each other and partnership agencies, the three groups decided on delivering two separate viewing areas in Thorne which would be utilised by their clients and older, more vulnerable members of the community including those with disabilities which were then given the opportunity to see and experience a once in a lifetime event in their neighbourhood.
The funding was used to purchase a number of chairs for these viewing areas. They will also now be utilised within the community for future Community events, which would allow them to provide sheltered areas for the elderly and members of the community with disabilities who may not have previously attended such events.
Friends of Thorne Memorial Park
Therefore, the group applied for Free sports taster Sessions in various multi sports to be delivered in the junior fan zone located in Thorne Memorial Park.
Thorne & Moorends Youth Group
A group of young people worked with volunteers to make a range of cupcakes from scratch, to decorate with the UCI theme (including designing a topper) that can be handed out the local groups that will be in the designated fan zone / viewing areas for older people and those with health and mobility problems.
The project aimed to engage young people’s creative side, provide them with new skills, encourage intergenerational work, whilst also feeling involved in an important event within their community.
The funding was used to purchase ingredients for this activity and professionally made toppers for the cupcakes with the designs from the children being used on them.

Thorne & Moorends Business Forum
The group therefore applied for funding to provide a Face painter to be present throughout the day and provide free cycle themed face painting to spectators including the large amount of schoolchildren and families expected to be in attendance.
Doncaster MIND
The group applied for funding to support their clients into trying out physical activity or introducing a new activity to help to improve their mental wellbeing. This included a cycling session at the new cycle track at the Dome.
Alongside these sessions, they also applied for items, which would allow their arts and crafts group to plan and create some banners for the UCI World Championships to be used during the race to support the cyclists on their route. They took both sets of clients and our social café clients to Sandal Park to take advantage of the viewing area they had created as part of their event.
Wheatley Hills Tennis Club

The following is a Monitoring Report for this scheme (Accessible version also available):-
- UCI 19 Microgrant Monitoring Report - FINAL
- Download (6.35MB - PDF)
- Accessible UCI 19 Microgrant Monitoring Report
- Download (1.67MB - PDF)
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