A Licence to hold a Car Boot Sale will only be granted subject to the conditions being observed per the document below:

Terms and Conditions

A Licence to hold a Car Boot Sale will only be granted subject to the following conditions being observed:

  1. A minimum of one months notice of intent must be given to the Council of all such events. The holding of a car boot sale (a market) without having given the requisite notice may render both the organiser and owner of the land liable to a maximum fine of £1,000 (Section 37, Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982).  
  2. Applications will only be approved from charitable, sporting or community based organisations and the whole of the proceeds from holding the sale must be applied to the organisation who are given consent. Only reasonable direct expenses incurred in holding the sale may be deducted.  
  3. The site of the sale and all roads must be left in a clean and tidy condition and free from litter immediately after the close of the sale.  
  4. Each approved car boot sale will be limited to a maximum of 450 cars (pitches or spaces) and each and every trader shall sell or display only articles surplus to their own domestic requirements usually described as jumble or bric-a-brac including books, records, small second hand domestic furniture and equipment, etc. Traders selling new items and good bought in for re-sale including any of the above similar items will not be permitted.  
  5. The minimum fee for each sale is £7 (irrespective of the number of cars attending).   
  6. The Council reserves the right to refuse permission to hold a car boot sale on the grounds that it is likely to detrimentally affect the legitimate markets and fairs of the area or is unnecessary or undesirable for any reason.  
  7. The Council will limit an organisation to a maximum of 52 events per year.  
  8. The Council will limit the use of any site to a maximum of 52 events per year.  
  9. No goods may be sold at the sale other than second hand goods owned by the trader.  
  10. All goods must be displayed for sale in and sold from the boot of the traders car.  
  11. The number of pitches or spaces at the sales must not exceed the number determined by the Council in the form of consent.  
  12. Pitches or spaces must not be given to commercial traders and no vans exceeding 10cwt carrying capacity or commercial vehicles are permitted.  
  13. The organiser of the sale must ensure that all vehicles of visitors to the sale are parked in the parking area within the site. Each parking space must be clearly marked and adequate provisions made for the entry and exit of vehicles.  
  14. The organiser must ensure that no vehicles of visitors to the sale are parked on adjoining roads to the site of the sale and must arrange for an adequate number of responsible persons to be present at the entrance during the sale to ensure that this condition is complied with.  
  15. The organiser shall not cause or permit any noise or nuisance to the residents in the neighbourhood of the sale.  
  16. The organiser shall not cause or permit notices or posters advertising the car boot sale to be displayed on lamp-posts, buildings etc., without the permission of the owners of these premises or in contravention of the Planning Legislation.  
  17. The organiser must have written permission for the use of the site and a copy of this permission must be forwarded with the application. Failure to do so will result in the application being refused.  
  18. All advertising relating to the sale must include "City of Doncaster Council Approved".  
  19. Consent will not be granted for future sales to any person or organisation who breaches any of these conditions. 

Application form

Complete the following Application Form and return to Professional Business Support using the contact address on the form or email it to pbstradedservices@doncaster.gov.uk

Application to operate a car boot sale
Download (25KB - DOC)
Last updated: 28 February 2025 12:07:39

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