The Explorer series of maps from the Ordnance Survey carries rights of way information that is up to date when the map is published. Explorer 279 covers the majority of the Doncaster area.

The Rights of Way Team receives and processes a slow but steady stream of requests to change the network, and over time a number of these will pass through the rigorous legal requirements and become confirmed changes, thus making the Ordnance Survey maps slightly out of date. Changes may include new paths, diversions of existing paths or path deletions. Public rights of way and other leisure routes that are available to the public are shown on the Doncaster Walking Map. Please note that the Doncaster Walking Map is not the legal record.

The following list and plans below show the confirmed rights of way changes since 2015

Public Footpath off Lime Tree Avenue, Armthorpe

A public footpath that passed through residential properties has been extinguished. Although parts of the footpath were unavailable for many years, the order was made to correct the legal record.
Footpath off Lime Tree Avenue Confirmed Extinguishment Order
Download (202KB - PDF)

Public Footpath off Southmoor Avenue, Armthorpe

A short section of public footpath that passed through residential properties has been extinguished.  Although the footpath was unavailable for over 50 years the order was made to correct the legal record.
Armthorpe Footpath off Southmoor Avenue Extinguishment Map
Download (632KB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 10 Rossington (Penny's Crossing)

The section of public footpath that crossed the East Coast Main Line on the level, known as Penny's Crossing, has been extinguished and the crossing permanently closed.  Alternative footpaths have been createdalongs each side of the railway allowing pedestrians to cross via a footbridge to the north of the closed crossing.
Penny's Crossing Alternative paths Creation Order Plan
Download (638KB - PDF)
Penny's Crossing Extinguishment Order Plan
Download (262KB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 22 Bessacarr

A public footpath has been dedicated between Highbury Avenue and Ninian Grove, Bessacarr.

Doncaster 22 Footpath Dedication Map
Download (615KB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 19, Park Wood East, Rossington

An order has been confirmed to add a public footpath in Park Wood East, Rossington.
384689 - Park Wood (East)
Download (845KB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 9 Auckley

A public footpath has been created between Hayfield Lane and Sherwood Close, Auckley, adjacent to Hayfield Lane Primary School.
Auckley No 9 Order plan-1
Download (393KB - PDF)

Public Bridleway Number 9 Cantley

An Inspector has confirmed an order to divert the bridleway crossing over the railway on the level to cross the railway via an underpass situated at the west end of Kelsey Gardens.  

Inspectors Decision Report
Download (541KB -PDF)
confirmation notice
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Public Footpath Number 4 Denaby

The stepped bridge carrying the footpath at the north end of Ferry Boat Lane over the railway has been removed by Network Rail and replaced with a new ramped bridge. Orders have been advertised and confirmed to record public footpath rights over the new bridge.

Old Denaby Diversion Order Plan-1
Download (125KB -PDF)

Footpath Number 6 Adwick Le Street

A section of the public footpath that passes through the residential development on the site of Brodsworth Colliery has been extinguished and replaced with a cycleway/footway.

Plan showing extinguished and replacement footpath
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Bridleways Number 8 Finningley and 9 Austerfield (Old Bawtry Road)

Public bridleway rights have been recognised to exist on the section of Old Bawtry Road that was originally stopped up to all traffic in 1956.

Old Bawtry Rd plan
Download (1.02MB -PDF)

Public Footpath Number 5 Fenwick

The footpaths heading south on the west side of the railway line have been extinguished and a new footpath provided on the east side of the railway, heading in a south direction to meet the existing footpath.

Footpath 5 Fenwick East Side of Railway
Download (160KB - PDF)

Public Bridleways Number 18, 19 and 20 Rose Hill, Doncaster

Doncaster Council has dedicated 3 bridleways on land off Rose Hill, Doncaster, providing access to Red House Plantation and the Racecourse.

Rose Hill Plan
Download (219KB - PDF)

Public Bridleways Number 5 Loversall and 9 Wadworth (IPort) 

A public bridleway has been dedicated linking Rakes Lane, Loversall and Carr Lane, Wadworth.

Bridleway dedication at IPort
Download (394KB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 16, Oswin Avenue, Balby

Footpath rights have been recognised along a route leading from Oswin Avenue to Furnival Road, Balby. An order has subsequently been confirmed that has diverted the footpath nearer to 10 Oswin Avenue.

Oswin Avenue footpath plan
Download (1.01MB - PDF)

Public Footpath Number 17 Doncaster (Aldesworth Road to Cantley Park)

A footpath has been dedicated from Aldesworth Road, alongside the community centre, into Cantley Park.

Footpath to Cantley Park
Download (49KB - PDF)


For further information contact the Public Rights of Way Section

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Public Rights of Way Pages







Last updated: 03 May 2024 15:54:14

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